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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Ooohhh--this is a Pelt--typical size? ---11/16"? I am waiting for the bifurcated experts here-- This is a Pelt imho--- avery nice one. I appreciate all opinions and appreciate them all--- Marble-On!!
  2. Yes Ric--Michelangelos--almost look like this--LOLšŸ˜. Bubbles and Pelts--this is my best find as far as they go-- Marble--On!!
  3. Nice marble--the blue really pops! Marble--On!!
  4. Hmmm, It could be--I do not recall ever seeing any peewee slag of any make. Cool stuff regardless of the maker. Machine made marbles--well you never know what may pop up. Marble--On!!
  5. This one looks like a big ole "Conqueror" to me--Vitro that is--- Marble--On!!
  6. Vacor seems like a good call here. Marble--On!!
  7. I would say Jabo here Fire--nice one though! Marble--On!!
  8. akroorka


    This one is a WVS. You never know what color combos you will find a Corkscrew in--so good ask. Marble--On!!
  9. I think that the two on the outside are Imperial patch types, the one in the middle may be one too but I have not seen that one before--it is nice. These are often mistaken fo Master Made marbles. All three are nice. Marble--On!!
  10. I think that the right hand one is a Vitro "Blackie". Nice marbles! Marble--On!!
  11. I agree--Rainbo--but--any Pelt with possible Oxblood is a bonus--check it close Fire-- Marble--On!!
  12. Vacor is a good call here. Marble--On!!
  13. I like it--corks are king! Marble--On!!
  14. Killer corkscrew imho-- Marble--On!!
  15. All are corks imho--nice ones!! Marble--On!!
  16. These are two great marbles--just great ones!! The second I agree is a very very nice Jabo--The first one--Alley un-named imho. Nice one though! Marble--On!!
  17. I am on board with Fire here. Marble--On!!
  18. That back stripe looks like a Vitro thing to me--it may be a Pelt but I would sort it as a Vitro. Marble--On!!
  19. This is a beautiful marble in my eyes. Slag vs swirl is very hard hereā€” I will make a callā€”Swirlā€”WVS. Nice marble and nice images as well! I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more. Marbleā€”On!!
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