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Everything posted by PittsburghMarbles

  1. The Akro vase is a great one. And that cola ad is awesome. I’ve never seen a Boone cola ACL before.
  2. Here’s my marbles displayed, been doing this hardcore for about 3 years now. I’ve even dug now at many of the marble factory sites. Everything is organized by company type. Sorry for the mess on the floor, just bought a new shelf as I’ve been out of room for stuff for a while now…
  3. In the last photo I just displayed it, it’s kinda at the center left side.
  4. ^ that 2nd to lass pic is some nice Veiligglas marbles; don’t find those too often in America.
  5. Drove dang near half way across the state today and found very little. But I did find two decent jars and here’s the mint stuff from them. A couple nice alleys, a nice champion, really nice master, and an Akro patch, think they’re called robins eggs but I’m not sure. Todays antiquing was kinda botched as half the places I went had no power. Even saw an F1 tornado today; and in PA of all places.
  6. I went to school for geology and was poking around a creek in Arkansas looking for fossils. Came across an antique bottle in the creek side that turned out to be an antique local Hutchinson bottle. Was obsessed with digging and collecting antique bottles after that around 2008. I would dig up the occasional marble but knew nothing about them. Then about 4 years ago I found an incredible marble in an abandoned house. Turned out to be a nice red white and blue popeye. I posted it on a marble Facebook page and was amazed that people could know who made a marble. Ever since I’m been spending all of my free time learning about marbles and spending money (too much lol) on antique and vintage marbles.
  7. The best way to learn is to go to marble shows and then you can also get a decent grip on pricing from them as well.
  8. I know I just posted my collection last Thursday, but I made room for everything that I recently acquired and put it on the shelf. Added 29 marbles since last week to my display.
  9. I don’t have many but here’s what I have of CACs.
  10. Yeah it probably is but it was only 5 bucks so whatever.
  11. I found this bag today at an antique store, does anyone know who made it? I don’t think it’s an Akro bag. But the popeye picture seems to be as old as the bag and it appears to be an old bag.
  12. Found some decent stuff today while out. A nice master box, an old marble bag; don’t think it’s Akro as it doesn’t look quite right but it does appear to be vintage. And found a jar of later alleys and such. Also found a bag of cool modern imperial marbles.
  13. Just got these from Roger Hardy today. A giant mint and no fractures 1.25 in Akro patch and a nice mint Akro brick. The big marble was dug by Roger and he said they only found a handful of the large ones and most were fractured. He said that Akro never perfected the process of making boulder sized marbles as they nearly all fractured in half or just had large fractures all over them.
  14. Those big clear ones look like they were made with the same process as the clear marbles in antique Codd bottles. If you've ever noticed, the codd bottle marbles are also made in a similar fashion as to the more modern Czech bullet mold marbles, except the Codd bottle ones and these appear to have pontil marks obviously unlike the bullet mold marbles.
  15. Discerning age and sometimes country of origin on handmade marbles is sometimes fairly easy to ascertain. However, is there any information available as to what factories and who made the "German" handmade marbles? Obviously, most came out of Germany. But is there any information on individual glass makers/factories who made them? A map maybe of German makers and their respective time periods of their production? I hope this thread becomes a compendium of antique handmade marbles of it all possible.
  16. Just acquired about twice as many Germans I had than a couple of weeks ago. Have a bunch I have yet to display yet on the board. Also, just bought those cane pieces off of eBay. Haven’t received them yet.
  17. Hopefully those or many are mint. I never buy a jar without being able to inspect them first. But it looks like you got some really nice ones in there for sure.
  18. Those are the most brightly colored ones I’ve seen. Wow for sure.
  19. Found these recently, and I believe they date from around 1932-1931. Note in the 3rd photo that even in the early 30s they were selling German handmades. Possibly leftover stock from the WW1 era or maybe the assumption that most German handmade production ended around 1920 is incorrect and possibly it was continued until the 1930s. Think you have to click on my photos to actually see the full resolution photos. I assume these were from catalogues for wholesale toy sellers.
  20. Also, still looking through the many jars I found last weekend, just looked through one of them and found these nice Akro patches in it just now.
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