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Al Oregon

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  1. Al Oregon

    Id req.

    I agree that 1, 2, & 4 are Peltier Rainbos. #3 is tough to tell - may be Vitro Whitie. #5 not Pelt but ? Akro or Vitro.
  2. The bottom group I would put in the newer Asian category - sometimes referred to as Imperial and they package them in their toy packages.
  3. Yes, it was Dani and 50/50 was about right. Good eye that you caught that.
  4. Not all Rainbos but all Peltier and all Metallics.
  5. Thank you for the updated information.
  6. Master sort of makes sense with slight chance of foreign
  7. Al Oregon


    Left does look like Vitro Easter Egg and right maybe Champion transparent swirl.
  8. Also, from what I have read, Akro made more slags than the rest of the companies combined so.....odds are Akro unless there are other defining traits.
  9. They look a lot better than their human counterparts at 100.
  10. Yes, Stardust and for info, it was previously called Stelaris when Qualatex first had the Vacor packaging and distribution in the US.
  11. Just a bleeding of the color red btween the two ribbons.
  12. Akro cork - sometimes they have that little hook at the end (or start) that sorta looks like a turkey head.
  13. Al Oregon


    Slag type with not a lot of white. THe '9' is not like the CAC or MFC type 9's so not sure on manufacturer.
  14. Al Oregon


    The damage on the two ends is interesting - gives you the impression of some type of pontil or shear marks.
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