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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I could not find any pictures of color base latticinos.
  2. The three vane colors leads to foreign - Asian.
  3. Interesting info Ron - thanks. Marian - thanks for sharing.
  4. But, were they filled at MK? Marketed and sold by Berry Pink - may have had other packer - before MK existed.
  5. Possible confusion for some collectors are the larger marbles found in the Paul Bunyan Ravenswood bags. They might think they were made by Ravenswood.
  6. Agree with Steph except maybe bottom middle??
  7. Yes, sad to hear. My condolences to his family and friends.
  8. Al Oregon


    Agree - looks like messed up corkscrew. Only other possibility is if it is a transitional - doesn't quite look right but not my area of expertise.
  9. One with green is definitely an Akro oxblood patch. Other - not sure if oxblood.
  10. Sorry to hear that. Prayers to his family and friends.
  11. Agree on Imperial - packaged by Imperial Toy Company. They did not make marbles but bought initially from Mexico (in 80's), then switched to buying Asian marbles. The ones you show are the Asian types. No specific company names from over there so generallly called Imperial since they are found in their packaging.
  12. Al Oregon

    I.d req.

    I'd be leaning Alley on those two.
  13. For history and marble making information on all the US companies, American Machine Made Marbles is a great book.
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