There are legit Pal Ade bags. I have always wondered about the original one posted since the style of the orange headers is like the ones used by Marble King (Or Berry Pink prior to Marble King). The bag with the obvious Jabos is a fantasy bag but the other one with the Alleys might be real. Here are two of the real bags that I have to "prove" that Pal Ade was a legit company.
Top one looks like stone agate - bullseye type. Next one maybe Heaton or Alley. Next three are Peltier - Rainbo, Zebra (NLR) & Rainbo. Last one could be Peltier also.
Red & White looks like Master patch. Green cat's-eye - probable US made but? Single color ones are opaques or clearies - mostly used as game marbles like in Chinese Checkers. Cant quite tell on the regular size one - could be a Peltier.
Got some nice multitwist corkscrews including transparent purple base and root beer base plus some CA's -