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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. The 6 vane, 3 way crossthrus used to have more value as did the 9 vane (3 color types) (exterior vanes) - still have more value than commons but...
  2. Blue & white looks like Vitro cat's-eye. Amber one could be a Pelt but not positive.
  3. Top pic looks like cat's-eyes - hard to tell which maker from one view. 2nd pic from bottom, left one (green w-yellow stripes) fits in the Imperial packaged type (made in Far East) - newer.
  4. That bottom one is Marble King Rainbow named Bumblebee.
  5. #6 looks like Peltier Rainbo
  6. Here's "flyer" info for the show. I know a few people from the Seattle (Tukwila) Show that just ended today mentioned that they were goiing to the Las Vegas Show.
  7. Group of 8, two groups of 3 and one of 4 are all cat's-eyes - some US and some foreign
  8. Pretty. I like the orange in those.
  9. I think Akro Red Slag also
  10. Upper left to lower right - Vitro, ?, MK, MK, MK, Peltier, Peltier, ?
  11. First two looks like swirls - hard to tell who made. Middle looks like Master; to the right of it is Peltier Rainbo and last one on right is Marble King Patch & Ribbon.
  12. Neat article! Yes, thanks for sharing.
  13. In going through some marble advertising material, I came across this 1958 VFW Marble Tournament Rules Booklet. Advertising Billy the Kid jeans also (must have been a sponsor).
  14. While the first marble looks like Vacor, I think it is modern Chinese, just like the rest of them are. Little value but pretty marbles.
  15. Another drizzle someone just sold on FB
  16. Vitro Cat Eyes - some of them have a "horseshoe" pattern and are thus called Horsehoe Cat's.
  17. Thanks for sharing. Richard Maxwell, who does a lot with kids and marbles in the Kansas City area, visited Wildwood this year for the tournament and posted a lot of pictures in some of the Facebook marble groups (or on his own FB page).
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