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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I'd say older swirl - maybe Champion but....?
  2. Good price - looks like there may a couple hybrids in there - I see blue & white one left center.
  3. When I was there a few years ago, you could see the potential. Good work Chad.
  4. Neat - another that I had not seen.
  5. Al Oregon

    Id help

    Vitro looks good to me, too.
  6. Al Oregon

    Id help

    I'd say right on # 1; game marble on # 2 and "nice one" on # 3 (maybe another view or two on 3?).
  7. Thanks - that is one that I have never seen.
  8. Al Oregon

    5/8 nova?

    Have seen similar over the years. 'Real' Nova is larger - near 15/16". Unsure if Pelt or newer MK.
  9. Al Oregon

    Id help

    Has a Vitro look to me.
  10. If most are ones that you don't already have, maybe an offer of under $5 would be reasonable. Depends on how much money you are planning to spend overall. If $20/mo., then getting this would not be beneficial - you could probably find better deals.. If $50/mo.+ would seem okay.
  11. I do see some old and soem new. Looks to be a good variety for sorting and ID'ing (& learning). Newer ones, Vacor, for example in last pic - two yellow base ones. I do see Pelt Rainbo there.
  12. Confederates, to me anyway, are a Rainbo type and not an NLR type. I am including some pics here that Chuck G., and schmoozer had posted. More pics in next post
  13. Yes, foreign - packaged by Imperial Toy Co. - thus the 'Imperial' term but they did not manufacture them.
  14. In the upper left pic, the seams that close sometime remind me of Peltier but the colors are? for Pelt. MK may be right.
  15. Nice. Scary thing is if someone put a couple pics up for ID. it might come back as Chinese or Bulgarian...
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