A few of my Blackies bags. Also, outside of a bag, the white Blackies might look a lot like a Whitie and may have been ID'd that way. Not sure if harder to find but just two ways to ID so might not be kept by collector as a Blackie.
This is the first one that I have looked at and we need more views to get a good ID. Red & white are hard enough anyway since many companies made similar marbles in those colors. Look at some of the other ID requests where there are 3-4 pictures of different views of same marble. If someone said similar things about another post, I apologize for any duplication of advice.
Here are a couple that Jabo did outside of the licensing process (Armed Forces & Dirty Jobs) but Jabo also had the license to print the others until the licensing group wanted more made and it would not have been profitable for Jabo so they dropped them. There are many more that they did - this is just a few.
Looks like a transparent swirl - could be one of several companies. "Blizzard" named marbles have interiors that have a lot of "snow" or tiny flakes throughout. Here are a couple examples of Marble King "snowy".