Can you tell me the name of the red swirly trans marble in the fourth group from the bottom? I’ve never seen these on eBay or even in other CAC pic layouts!
Wow! Very impressive and great pics! Thanks for the treat!! Makes me want to give up! You don’t even see ones like that available for purchase these days! Envy reigns!
Well I can say it’s not an MFC, CAC, AKRO or a Peltier but I’ll leave it up to the experts on other brands, good luck I’m sure someone will have a better guess than I!
I agree with Chad, a nice mib but not a submarine! Has to have some inside action. And as far as what is sold and what some are called on EBay, give me a break! I bet half of the marbles on there now days are misnamed or outright lied about! I feel sorry for the new collectors having to take chances on some rip off artist with so called bricks and CACs let alone “submarines” etc! Do your homework, buy from quality sellers…… study study study and be carefull!
All the pics and descriptions I can find say the Pelt banana cat was ons clear colored base…….so I’m guessing no for now, you can get them for less than a dollar each on eBay and Etsy.
Love the handmade agates, my grandfather gave me his 50 years ago and it stayed in my jewelry box for 30 years and then it got me interested in collecting and learning about marbles. It has a family of about three dozen now, mostly picked up several years ago but still love seeing new ones come along.
I have just gotten back into collecting and have a good representation of the big four. Have been working on Pelt Rainbos as I have most of the NLRs. I have been shocked at the prices on these what I always thought were fairly commen and readily available mibs!! What’s up? Here are three examples from eBay with their close to closing costs!! Why so high? I can kindof understand the green, but the four color and very plain rainbo I don’t understand. Help???
Idk, it just doesn’t feel like a CAC, and the red and esp the brown are usually darker on a bloodie. ( see marblealan pics) I’m leaning trans Japanese.
This is on eBay, looks like could be a bloodie but not familiar enough with them. What do you all think? Post any good examples if you have.
I can understand the increase in prices for Millers and NLRs but 12-15.00 for a rainbo? Maybe for a really different one, but for an average baseball type? Guess I better hold on to my NLRs!! Never could afford the Blue Galaxy. Thanks for the input, what is the new book you referred to?
I’ve just got back into collecting and was wondering why Pelts are selling for so much more than 5 or six years ago, almost double it seems even rainbos are into double didgets. What’s the deal? Thanks