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The Nickel Guy

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Everything posted by The Nickel Guy

  1. I happened to watch that in the past day or two. Man o man these guys know their stuff.
  2. Look at the label on the box too! so awesome! Nice collection there. I wow-ed that post Akroorka.
  3. My little man big man for relating to Chads recent post up there. well . . . sorta. Large latticinio core is about 7/10 inches in diameter, smaller a tad over 1/2 inch.
  4. I don't see a core inside this one with outer ribbons of yellow white and green. It is 7/10" diameter.
  5. My last two group pictures here, a bit more colorful. Each lot has a banded clay, how they did that I have no clue unless the dye was lost some rolling along the way while still wet when made. I do like these, common or not, I still think they are cool. Please post yours if you like. It has been awhile since I posted anything with pictures. I am getting near the end of my current collection to share here.
  6. Four more groups of clays, a couple white lined clays. Somewhat faded lines, maybe they fade over time? Other red dyed clays. All of these are around a half inch in diameter and some a bit larger.
  7. Fancy Benningtons pair in this picture amidst clays that average a half inch or so in diameter.
  8. This might be a very boring thread to some but these always fascinated me being so old and sometimes quite fancy. I'll be adding on here but start out with my common colored blue Bennington marbles. The largest in this group is a bit over 1 1/3 inches in diameter. That awful looking crater on the side of it isn't really as bad as it looks. The smallest dark one is probably a dyed clay but in hand it is somewhat dark blue. Here's some Brown Benningtons with a couple more fancy examples. The largest being just about 1 1/4 inches in diameter. The tiny one is my smallest sphere of all being a tiger eye. It is quite small but it is not a bead and is not holed. Maybe about 1/5 inch in diameter? I partial to that one in the bottom left. It isn't a Bennington glazed marble though.
  9. I found this gray clay that I am pretty sure was in this batch as well that my friend gave me but I didn't add it earlier. There are streaks of silver in it as well as many sparkles evenly spaced apart throughout. I think it is about 7/8 inch in diameter.
  10. This was cool to watch. I bet that is fun. You fly it well.
  11. I wouldn't mind adding these I generated to my collection but they don't exist!
  12. I don't deserve it but I am going to be in Heaven forever someday. That is because Jesus came here and died and suffered on the cross and shed his blood to wash away my sins. He was buried and rose again after 3 days. He is going to come back in all His glory to take us believers home someday soon. I am also looking forward to a new super body. This one is pretty worn out! LOL
  13. Just some of my "other" Akro Agate glass. There's a couple lamp parts in here and a pumpkin colored vase that may be Alro or Westite (last). I also have two floor lamps, two boudoir lamps and a smoking stand not shown. Childrens dish and tumblers. Lamp parts Westite sometimes used Akro glass molds as well as their own.
  14. Guess these are my best Akro's and also some of my very favorite marbles.
  15. This is No 4 and I have "tweaked" the image some to sharpen it up. Trust me, this is the best I can present this particular marble. Had a very tough time with these images. I can see there are bruises and small chips. They are quite obvious now due to editing. It really brings out the damage. There is also a series of much thinner lines near the top of the top right image here. They seem to follow the same path as the thicker ones below them.
  16. I will try using a black background. It does have numerous thin lines but it does not glow. Be back very soon. Thanks
  17. Thanks for responding people. None reacted to my blacklight. I don't know what VVVHT is an abbreviation for and I will try to get more images of No 4 in the near future. White is so hard for my camera to focus on.
  18. Here are 5 different white slags or swirls or a combination of the two. These have been posted before but the topic was a bit different. I think they are a mix of both. My best guess is that No 3 and 5 are swirls. Please help me understand. This has to be a common hurdle for a lot of us new learners to figure out. I have two other white marbles I will folllow up with and see how I do after hopefully learning more.
  19. I think Peltier slag marbles might be the easiest for me to identify. I think I have picked out some cobalt Peltier slags here. Am I ever gonna get this? Please tell me how many out of 8 I got right and what those numbers I got wrong are. Thank you!
  20. I dunno? I just saw some resemblance. I was stumped myself.
  21. Sure looks a lot like one I just posted earlier today. They thought it was a Peltier Rainbo LINK https://marbleconnection.com/topic/38238-a-marble-with-a-bubbly-personality-~-id-please/#comment-327312
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