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Everything posted by disco005

  1. Those Spirals look great, especially together! And how fun, sounds like I need to start stashing marbles in the house where I can rediscover them later lol
  2. These two are pretty neat, a very very light blue corkscrew on a very very light amber base, hard to photograph. The one on the right I've had for about a year; the one on the left I received about two weeks ago. Very similar, I love to see that.
  3. That's fantastic! Is the base a little greenish?
  4. Rich colors on those Jabos ! Here are three that make me think of pumpkins and squashes. And a little garlic for the stuffing
  5. Cool Steph! I have one of those! I think mine folded over, looks like it has a fold line on it. Right at 1".
  6. Looking through the Master Made thread and came across this beauty, love the colors in this John!
  7. ^^^^ WOW! Brilliant colors there ^^^^ Great capture of the reds in that photo
  8. LOL! No. I need an industrial sized shredder, I put off shredding, and put it off, and put it off. I just get aggravated with it because my shredder can only take maybe five pieces at a time. I just want to be able to dump an entire box at once So, yes, I have piles of mail that need to be shredded before thrown away. As it relates to marbles, not really, I think I've only sold a few and that was a long time ago. Still regret selling them. They were perfect Pelt "Miller" swirls, one even had oxblood in it. Purchased in a completely blind auction for $5. It would definitely be fun to sort through a kind of "time line" of learning marbles I should probably keep better records on my marble purchases, now that you've got me thinking about it. That would be a task!
  9. Awww, thanks Steph!! <3 It was an experience!
  10. Matthew made me look at all my "stuff" differently, that's for sure. How strange it was to look around the house and decide what actually mattered, with the bridges closing off evacuation routes. It became very surreal, very quickly. We came out of a lot better than some, one of my friends didn't their house flooded and they lost one car, but everyone is safe, which is most important. We live three miles from the coast and at 12 foot elevation, which sounds far away, but when the storm is 700 miles wide, that three miles is pretty small. Luckily, we only lost our patio roof, with some damage to the roof where it was attached. Had to collect patio roof pieces from around the neighborhood lol. And you nailed it, parked up high for the flooding. The storm surge and high tide occurred simultaneously, our bad luck. Major flooding at Jax Beach.
  11. Thanks John! It was definitely a surprise find And I sure will post it at SSH tonight after work, if I haven't already. I can't keep track of what I've previously posted and sometimes feel like I repost a picture multiple times and feel silly, if that makes sense....
  12. You might be a marble addict if your display collection goes in with the fire/water/impact resistant safe with all the really important stuff, when a major hurricane is coming your way lol. Truth. With Matthew aiming for Jacksonville, marbles and safe went into the trunk and parked on the third floor of a parking garage lol. It was a crazy week.
  13. I don't have many metallic, but sure do enjoy looking at them, this is going to be a cool month Here is a 1" Master Cat with metallic panel
  14. Does this questionable quorum quartz marble qualify for this quirky quandary?
  15. I'm going to have to dig them all out this weekend and go through them again. Man, I can't stand doing that.
  16. Hey cool! I like them too John :) here are two like yours with opposite winding corks though, go figure..... Have you back lit yours?
  17. Green, black, and chocolate oxblood cork on orange
  18. Believe this is an Akro, strange pattern though
  19. Botchy. That is an excellent descriptive for these corks. I need a camera now only because the last update on my phone made it incompatible with my computer, it used to be an easy transfer from my phone camera to my computer, but now the computer doesn't "see" the photographs I've taken. Weird. But you are very correct, I wasn't thinking of a high priced camera, just something in the $100 range that possibly has a macro option, that would be great. If not, I can make do. The extra battery is a must! I used to take my photos with a digital camera, and when you're in that mode, and have the lighting just right, delays are very aggravating. That's awesome that you have three of these, they are unusual.
  20. The eyelashes and thin black line running along the cork stand out on this one for me
  21. I know exactly what you mean, I love working on lighting John Now, .... if I could just get a real camera (and a tripod I suppose, and an extra battery). Maybe that will be on the list for today .... I don't think I've shared these two before, they were purchased probably five years apart, but look pretty similar. I like how the orange looks to be just sitting on top, it's almost like this orange didn't mix well with the base. Kind of hard to capture in a photograph.
  22. Maybe not a specific maker, MAD may be a reference to a book maybe? I've looked at Marble Identification books but don't really see a title with that acronym. Was there a list that went with this collection? It could be a list with more details about the specific marbles, a catalog of sorts. Or maybe it's a reference to an auction where these marbles were purchased? MAD auction lot #40 ? I think you're right about the ADV = Aventurine, possibly GR=Green Just thoughts and guesses.
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