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  1. Just wanted to ad,,the closest thing I know of,calling it "veneered" would be when the marble that are made with the irrodesence,by spraying them with chemicals,AFTER the marble has been formed.
  2. Im thinking veneering is an incorrect term to use on marbles. Sure,some marbles have the appearance of being veneered,but I dont see anything in the process that is veneering. The colors on the surface,were not applied,after a marble"blank" was made. Now,Im going to apply some peanut butter veneer to a chocolate cake!
  3. A sad day for the marble community. Always a soft handshake,a smiling face with the warm welcome of "How are you my friend". Usualy follow by,"Do you have any clamsbroths or goosberries,Griff?" Bert has helped me,and many many others in the marble community. He will be missed by many,but never forgotten. RIP My Friend. My condolences to his family.
  4. If my memmory is still in tact,I think Bob Block had an "established" number of outer line for a marble to be caged,but that was for a clamsbroth. If I were to apply some creative thinking,its an outer lattacino marble!
  5. I dont know about the angel wings,but the extra gray hairs can offer some testimony. Thanks John.
  6. Thats the message I want people to understand. Too many times,Ive seen people,rush to judgment,not knowing,or even trying to understand. Wisdom in life is not always in providing an answer.Some times,all that is required is listening.
  7. To me,a "seam" is a cut line. If a marble blank is cut from a stream of glass,it has a cut line,even if it is folded inside the marble. They come in differant shapes.Some are rounded,straight,shaped like a v or a u. The smaller the stream,the "busier" the marble is.(most of the time).
  8. Hey Bob,If you buy THAT ONE,I'll grind it into a marble for ya!--LOL
  9. Just wanted to tell everyone that Robert Dean has passed. He came to Sistersville a number of times.Unfortunatly,I do not have a photo of him. Sammy and Barney refered to him a "Trader Robbie". He like to trade,anything and everything. After many years of depression that led to his prescription drug addiction,well,he is at peace now. He was my friend,and a royal pain in the butt some times.My understanding of his "troubles",was one of the things kept us being social,thru his bad times. Robbie would appreciate my honesty here,as he did when he was still with us. I will miss,both the good times,and the troubled times we had. Rest in peace my friend.
  10. Maybe ultra's or rainbo's. Not positive,,,,,,,,
  11. Thanks for the update. At least thats a little good news in the right direction. Keep us posted.
  12. Im thinking one of the tank washes from Jabo.
  13. Oh crap,you mean I gotta go to Galens first,so I can see some of them house sleds? BAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
  14. California sound like a nice place to visit.Can we swing by Colorado on the way thru? Might make it more interesting,watching the houses slide down the hills,out there!
  15. Just to add. Ive seen Dave run the marbles (at D A S),so hot,that they are still glowing red when they come off the end of the augers.They all stick together,once they touch at the end of the cooling trough. I will assume this was being done to try and eliminate the cold rolls.From what Ive seen,it has not worked. On the "Rams Horns",Im seeing the cold roll creases that are clearly defined between the white base and the colored strike glass. This is what leads me to believe that the strike glass,not being in the tank long enough,to achieve an equilized temp. to the base. This could be easily proven or disproven by running just the base glass,with no strike colors added to the tank. If you can make a round marble,with no cold rolls,useing only the base glass I would look closer at the location of the strike pots. If they still have cold roll marks,useing only the base glass,then I would place my concerns on the augers. Process of elimination. Yep,agreed,a 2 axis rotation does not work. At Sammy's,I could produce footballs and eggs on command,by forcing more glass into the stream,creating a larger glob.This was done by feeding gold av into the stream(increasing the size of the stream creates a larger glob when sheared off). Now this was on the "5/8th's"machine,that is less forgiving than the 3/4 machine,when it comes to an oversized glob.The oversized glob,forced the rollers to run the "marble" on 2 axis spin. Trying to keep the language,simplified,for the general,marble persons comprehension.
  16. Just wanted to add,Ive seen the rams horn pattern occur,at the beginning of the special runs,when the rollers were not up to temp. yet. One that stands out in my mind was at the beginning of Dave and Mamies Veterans Day Run.
  17. I dont know what Daves intentions are. The results have been the same,at D A S,since he started running marbles on the new machine.A lot of cold rolled,rams horns and oddly mishapen marbles. I can speculate that he is trying to get the rams horn pattern to come out smooth,but I feel the very reason it is being formed,is what is preventing them from comming out smooth.
  18. Ive seen them produced,occasionaly both during classic and special runs. In my observations,it has occured when strike glass was added,and the temp. dropped. Id like to say,right before the tank plugged up because of the cold glass.
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