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Everything posted by chucks_mibs

  1. Here is a nice 5/8" trans blue base (sub?) with tangerine ribbons….Base glass has "ghosting" and is filled with oven chunk... Very unique Rainbo w/5 ribbons or is this NLR?
  2. Here is an extremely rare 25 count playtime (PLAYRITE) marble bag Unique with the cellophane bag AND Braided string holder at the bottom
  3. Dani, second marble top left, is it similar to the one I posted....if so, do you still have it?
  4. Here’s my contribution to the thread…..A “chocolate oxblood” that I seriously regret selling……has an opaque chocolate tan base with strands of grey and white throughout the ox….. The “fold” really put me in the mind of a CAC but I’m pretty sure it was Akro and it was listed as such…but boy doesn’t that turkey curve like a CAC?….Here’s what it looks like in a collection of other Akro oxbloods
  5. 3 Day Killer mibs on eBay....Here is a quick preview of some of my auctions already started for this week….stay tuned!!….more to follow Click on the pic below to go directly to the auctions
  6. Hey Clyde you old fart!!!....have a happy birthday and eat lots of cake....
  7. two more weeks and counting!!!!!!!!
  8. Some cool people from Indianapolis scored the best ones a few years back in vegas but I think I still have this one Very much so different from a pelt, the Av is very sparkly and is bronze in some samples.....this one has "gunsmoke grey" colored swirls
  9. Sissy, do you have a pic of the Jabo's?.......Here's a side by side comparison close up of Sammy's row seven.....those are similar, but the ones in post#5 don't seem to have the green Not to say that it’s the one, but here’s a group pic of the Ravenswood type I thought resembled post#5 (courtesy of Alan) Here is another one I sold recently with drizzle........The Orange can be of varying degrees of thickness in these type of ravenswood The orange seediness looks like it could be bubbles…or damage?…..again what size on the post #5 mibs?
  10. Looking at these .....they have a little resemblance to Ravenswood.......The orange is almost like a "Butterscotch"....here is a sample of one I sold recently
  11. Nice Alleys....the one on the left is fantastic......did you hit it with a black-light?........looks like its from the Pistachio family of mibs (almost all will glow)
  12. IMHO Sellers and buyers both should be held accountable for their merchandise descriptions and purchases.....but ultimately, eBay buyers have the responsibility to do their own research before making pricey purchases.........I don't know too many "unknowing" eBay buyers ready to spend that kind of loot blindly..........But if they do, its totally on them
  13. Macro photography will pick up ALL details.......Im certain those lines are "fingerprints"....and the as made (or hit) is probably not visible without a loupe...... On the other hand, IMHO 8 bills is kinda expensive....What size was it?
  14. Unless hes living in a 3 story mansion in Beverly hills...Im certain he will get enough to pay the taxes.....The pelt box should realize that by itself
  15. They all look 100% legit......and I might not agree with the no return but can understand it because he has to pay Caesar
  16. Im certain that more pics would reveal the truth.....but from the pics given, is there a possibility that its vintage but polished?....(maybe thats why they didnt want to show the other end)???
  17. Okay my bad ....so the marble is a "smaller" diameter when measured from pontil to pontil? Either way its still an easy fix on the description... just state as such...... Marble measures 2 1/2" but slightly smaller from pontil to pontil at 2 7/16"
  18. My description would be: Marble measures 2 7/16" but slightly larger from pontil to pontil at 2 1/2"
  19. Looks like tons of aventurine from here....but looks like a little damage in the blue base glass....
  20. Thats true Galen, but its always funny to watch when the final price was lower than what the low-ballers side offer was....Specially when they didn't even try bidding....
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