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Question For A Math Calculations Guru

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Does anyone here know how to use the formula to calculate the volume of a sphere?

If so, could you calculate the volume of glass in the following…

½” marble.

¾” marble

1” marble

I tried to cipher this for a few hours and got a headache.

I assume the measurements should be changed to decimals /cubic inches/cubic millimeters/ or something?

I’m curious as to how many ½” marbles it would take to equal the volume of a 1” marble.

And you know what they say…there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.


Post script: a 5/8" would be nice too, if it aint too much trouble.

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Here are the ridiculous answers I come up with. All answers are rounded to the fourth decimal.

Volume of a 1/2" marble = .0654"

Volume of a 5/8" marble = .1278"

Volume of a 3/4" marble = .2208"

Volume of a 1" marble = .5233"

My guess is it takes roughly (8) 1/2" marbles to equal the volume of a 1" marble.

(Steph is the resident mathematician. She'll give you the real answers...)

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I get exactly 8 one-half inch mibs to a single 1 inch mib.

I think the right formula for how many smaller marbles match the 1" mib volume might be 1 divided by the cube of the smaller radius.

But I haint double checked that.

Edit: yup, pretty sure. The 4/3 pi stuff cancels out. Don't need to worry about any estimates of pi.

Double edit: nope, I said that wrong. It was 1 divided by the cube of the smaller diameter.

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I get exactly 8 one-half inch mibs to a single 1 inch mib.

I think the right formula for how many smaller marbles match the 1" mib volume might be 1 divided by the cube of the smaller radius.

But I haint double checked that.

Edit: yup, pretty sure. The 4/3 pi stuff cancels out. Don't need to worry about any estimates of pi.

Cool...how about 3/4 TO 1" AND 5/8 TO 1"?

Need to know? fun trivia

Have often wondered about this because when 2 1" mibs wereput together to make a Jumbo they came out between 1&1/16 to 1&3/8, but most were at the small end of the scale...

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Great thread, however you might want to double check the above calculation. I get

7.994961064 1/2 in. mibs to equal one 1 in. mib. :-)

The difference might have to do with the weather.

You are probably correct because your calculator has a Higher Power.

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withonly 8 or 9 fingers for counting, the relationship between 3/4 and 1" looks to me to be 3 or 4 to 1...no real clue what it is though.

I'm believing my figure of 2.37 three-fourths inch mibs to 1 one-inch mib.

I find it kind of mind boggling though. Two 3/4" mibs fitting inside a 1" mib?

Check out the 7/8 figure.

(8x8x8)/(7x7x7) is about 1.49

So it would take half again as much glass to move up from a 7/8" mib to a 1" mib.

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I'm believing my figure of 2.37 three-fourths inch mibs to 1 one-inch mib.

I find it kind of mind boggling though. Two 3/4" mibs fitting inside a 1" mib?

Check out the 7/8 figure.

(8x8x8)/(7x7x7) is about 1.49

So it would take half again as much glass to move up from a 7/8" mib to a 1" mib.

Neat,Thank you.

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Great work yall, this is what I was looking for…thanky thanky.

The reason I asked was--> I was reading in M!b$ “Big Jabo” thread where she asked why Jabo didn’t make more big uns. Ron replied that the cost of materials (glass and such ) would rise substantially . I was wondering exactly by how much. I started to ask there, but didn’t want to fly her thread to Cuba, so I hit the new topic button.

So it would take half again as much glass to move up from a 7/8" mib to a 1" mib.

half again as much or one and a half again as much?

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1 and 1/2 total.

One 7/8" marble. Plus one half of another one. Glue it on top. Then smooth it out so there aren't any visible seams.

Make sure the glue has the same COE as the glass.

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1 and 1/2 total.

One 7/8" marble. Plus one half of another one. Glue it on top. Then smooth it out so there aren't any visible seams.

Make sure the glue has the same COE as the glass.

Neat stuff. I get what has been said and appreciate the same. One question still...Jumbos...how do two 1" marbles equal 1 1/16 to 1 3/8 ?...and I've watched them being made...bottom line why don't 1"+1" = 2"

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3 dimensions!

A 1 inch cube + a 1 inch cube is not a two inch cube.

Two true 1 inch marbles added together and rounded into a sphere would give . . . uh, I'll be back.

[space reserved. I get kinda panicky at this stage. ;-)]

edit: Two true 1 inch marbles would give about 1.26 inches . . . (cube root of 2)

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Neat stuff. I get what has been said and appreciate the same. One question still...Jumbos...how do two 1" marbles equal 1 1/16 to 1 3/8 ?...and I've watched them being made...bottom line why don't 1"+1" = 2"

Now THAT'S the interesting question!

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