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I'd also suggest Japanese as a possibility. For some reason that hasn't been a popular idea. There's "made in Japan" packaging, but it has been argued that it was the box which was made in Japan, not the marbles. To me that doesn't seem consistent with the purpose of country of origin packaging laws. But I'm an amateur, so ?

The mibs below aren't an exact match for yours but maybe similar enough to give pause.

First a novelty box marked Made in Japan. The marbles here were listed as 11/16".


(extra pix, click to enlarge)

th_PuzzleBox001.jpg th_PuzzleBox003.jpg

Second is a box of "Bolitas" which says "Industria Japonesa", which to me indicates Japanese manufacture, possibly intended for sale in South America. From a Marblealan auction. He said they measured about 1/2".

(sorry, no clicking, wish the pix were larger but this is what we got! :-)



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interesting!! i got a couple with this bunch that look just like several in that first set--the ones with the equatorial red band--and a couple of those looks pretty dang close.

was there a date (or range) that went along with these boxes?

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I agree - after I posted I almost said Japanese possibility because I had seen similar boxes. makes you wonder why we did not see a lot in US of these marbles? At;least haven't seen in the many lots of old machine mades I have bought. Just a couple in quantity that came from Canada.


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Alan estimated the 1930's for the 100 count box.

I tried to research the Reg'lar Fellers date options and came up with a very tentative 1939 - 1941 based on an article in the June 1938 Playthings Magazine. The 1938 article said the comic strip author Gene Byrnes was launching a series of tie-ins and spin-offs of his comic strip, the details of which would be announced soon.

And then of course 1942 would not have been a good year for marbles from Japan.

Maybe Japan couldn't break into our market well in the 1930's. Either because of tariffs or because our makers were making good marbles cheaply enough here. Canada and South America would have had more need for imported marbles, right?

I can't remember offhand what I've read about the tariff situation in those years. But we did have some very protectionist eras in the past. The marble makers in the 1950's were hoping to bring some of that back to save their businesses from the cat's eyes. But the U.S. gov't said no. It was in the government's interest to have Japan selling toys to us rather than whatever they might have been selling to the Soviet bloc.

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Give yourself a second pat on the back there Steph. Looks like you might have solved one I had in the Unknown dish. Looks real close to me. Size is a sliver under 3/4". Wish we knew the size of the ones in the box.


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Would it be really bad to question if all the marbles in the first box were original??

The second marble in the second (from the left) box... And, the second and third marbles in the center box seem out of place to me...

Long before machine made marbles were popular... But, boxes were collectible, random backfilling was a very common practice...

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Wish my pics could capture how grainy the glass is Sue. I guess you could compair it to some of the Crease Pontil Transitionals that have the "grainy" look. I can't think of any American marbles that have the same texture?

Still Backfilling is always a consideration that should not be ignored.

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It's a fine question. My vote would be original on most, but yes, I did question a few myself.

I also thought two of the marbles from the 3rd box looked out of place, but with Dave's pix of his shooter size one with similar colors, it makes it seem more like they fit in a box like that. Still not sure about the one in the 2nd box.

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okay finally got around to some pics----here's some more oddballs that were in the same group as the ones posted earlier that i think might fit right in those boxes.


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