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Akro Boxes

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My guess for the one Greg posted is a modern repro box from the people who re-registered the Akro trademark -- remember those guys? And then maybe it was messed up a little so it looked older.

.... anyone save the photos of the known repro from when we were talking about the repro company registering the trademark?

I know I did somewhere, but can't think of how to search for it.

Edit: I found the photo I was looking for. The sample pictured with the trademark registration is not identical to the box Greg posted. But it's a good reminder of what is out there. Going to post it in another thread. And the box Greg posted is still a mess! aiyiyi

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Try and find anything on a G.A.R convention with those dates printed on the first box. You have much better search skills than I. I found nothing???????????OOOOps I found a lot. That box is fake. From the records of the GAR

24-28 August 1930

Cincinnati, Ohio

Sixty-fourth National GAR Encampment

3-6 June 1930

Biloxi, Mississippi

Fortieth National UCV Reunion

13-18 September 1931

Des Moines, Iowa

Sixty-fifth National GAR Encampment

2-5 June 1931

Montgomery, Alabama

Forty-first National UCV Reunion

18-24 September 1932

Springfield, Illinois

Sixty-sixth National GAR Encampment

21-24 June 1932

Richmond, Virginia

Forty-second National UCV Reunion

17-22 September 1933

St. Paul, Minnesota

Sixty-seventh National GAR Encampment

12-18 August 1934

Rochester, New York

Sixty-eighth National GAR Encampment

6-8 June 1934

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Forty-fourth National UCV Reunion

8-14 September 1935

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Sixty-ninth National GAR Encampment

3-6 September 1935

Amarillo, Texas

Forty-fifth National UCV Reunion

20-26 September 1936

Washington, D.C.

Seventieth National GAR Encampment

9-12 June 1936

Shreveport, Louisiana

Forty-sixth National UCV Reunion

5-10 September 1937

Madison, Wisconsin

Seventy-first National GAR Encampment

9-12 June 1937

Jackson, Mississippi

Forty-seventh National UCV Reunion

4-9 September 1938

Des Moines, Iowa

Seventy-second National GAR Encampment

29 June-6 July 1938

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Blue and Gray Reunion

30-31 August-1-2 September 1938

Columbia, South Carolina

Forty-eighth National UCV Reunion

27 August-1 September 1939

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Seventy-third National GAR Encampment

22-25 August 1939

Trinidad, Colorado

Forty-ninth National UCV Reunion

8-13 September 1940

Springfield, Illinois

Seventy-fourth National GAR Encampment

8-11 October 1940

Washington, D.C.

Fiftieth National UCV Reunion

14-19 September 1941

Columbus, Ohio

Seventy-fifth National GAR Encampment

14-15 October 1941

Atlanta, Georgia

Fifty-first National UCV Reunion

13-18 September 1942

Indianapolis, Indiana

Seventy-sixth National GAR Encampment

23-26 June 1942

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Fifty-second National UCV Reunion

19-24 September 1943

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Seventy-seventh National GAR Encampment

10-15 September 1944

Des Moines, Iowa

Seventy-eighth National GAR Encampment

30 September-4 October 1945

Columbus, Ohio

Seventy-ninth National GAR Encampment

25-30 August 1946

Indianapolis, Indiana

Eightieth National GAR Encampment

10-14 August 1947

Cleveland, Ohio

Eighty-first National GAR Encampment

28-30 September 1948

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Eighty-second National GAR Encampment

5-7 October 1948

Montgomery, Alabama

Fifty-eighth National UCV Reunion

28 August-1 September 1949

Indianapolis, Indiana

Eighty-third National GAR

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