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Type of Miller swirl?


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Any more than one seam disqualifies it as being called a Miller ??????   Why is a named Miller swirl only one seam ???  Are the CAC single seam marbles a Miller swirl ????

Every marble is cut twice.    Not a can but a five gallon bucket of worms.  Which Miller machine ?   They were lots more than one. Even Akro had Miller machines, which Berri Fox uses for parts now at MK. Each size marble takes a different size machine.  What separates this error marble from millions of WV swirls ?  Looks like it was a little cold and did not spin correct when it first hit the roll groove.  The last picture shows the dark blue folded over on itself. Folded right over top of the white. I have never heard or seen a marble machine roll  specially made to do that. I doubt that is possible.  I have way to many questions no one has answered yet about so called Peltier Miller machine swirls. For me I try to call them what they are for me, Peltier swirls. You can make swirls, patches, or ribbon and patch marbles all on the same exact marble machine., I have done it, witnesses to it being done. Jabo made swirls and patches on the same exact machines. The marble machine does not make the marble a patch, swirl or patch and ribbon style. That all happens upstream before the hot glass glob hits the rollers.  Brian Graham in OH owns a original Peltier Miller machine with the original Miller id plate on it.. He has made lots of marbles with it. NONE look anything like any Peltier Miller swirl.  WHY ??   I know everyone is tired of me asking what is different with a Peltier MIller marble machine, from all the rest, even the Miller machines that Akro had ?  A marble machine is just a frame on some type of wheels, bearings, chain or gear drive, a drive motor, with a set of grooved rolls to make the hot glass glob round.  A marble machine just makes the hot glass glob round. After the first couple grooves the marble will not change. The other grooves are just for cooling.  On and on. 

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8 hours ago, wvrons said:

Any more than one seam disqualifies it as being called a Miller ??????   Why is a named Miller swirl only one seam ???  Are the CAC single seam marbles a Miller swirl ????

Every marble is cut twice.    Not a can but a five gallon bucket of worms.  Which Miller machine ?   They were lots more than one. Even Akro had Miller machines, which Berri Fox uses for parts now at MK. Each size marble takes a different size machine.  What separates this error marble from millions of WV swirls ?  Looks like it was a little cold and did not spin correct when it first hit the roll groove.  The last picture shows the dark blue folded over on itself. Folded right over top of the white. I have never heard or seen a marble machine roll  specially made to do that. I doubt that is possible.  I have way to many questions no one has answered yet about so called Peltier Miller machine swirls. For me I try to call them what they are for me, Peltier swirls. You can make swirls, patches, or ribbon and patch marbles all on the same exact marble machine., I have done it, witnesses to it being done. Jabo made swirls and patches on the same exact machines. The marble machine does not make the marble a patch, swirl or patch and ribbon style. That all happens upstream before the hot glass glob hits the rollers.  Brian Graham in OH owns a original Peltier Miller machine with the original Miller id plate on it.. He has made lots of marbles with it. NONE look anything like any Peltier Miller swirl.  WHY ??   I know everyone is tired of me asking what is different with a Peltier MIller marble machine, from all the rest, even the Miller machines that Akro had ?  A marble machine is just a frame on some type of wheels, bearings, chain or gear drive, a drive motor, with a set of grooved rolls to make the hot glass glob round.  A marble machine just makes the hot glass glob round. After the first couple grooves the marble will not change. The other grooves are just for cooling.  On and on. 

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What research shows how a Miller machine made all the Peltier swirl style marbles ? 

I agree Steph, I would also think Alley. But I stopped trying to change minds who are set that their marble is a Peltier swirl. It is their marble, it can be anything they want it to be. If they are happy that is what matters.

 The swirl pattern or any other pattern or style all happens upstream of the marble machine. It can happen in the furnace and throughout the hot glass glob delivery system to the marble machine.  There are lots a various furnace designs inside the furnace. There are lots of very different color addition systems. There are many styles of delivery systems to the marble machine. The marble machine is the simplest piece of equipment in the entire system. It just makes the elongated hot glass glob round. there is no special roll groves to make swirl marbles. You can make swirls or patches or ribbon and patch marbles all on the same exact marble machine. 

How does a Miller machine make a swirl marble ?  What is special about a Miller machine at Peltier that makes swirls ? Akro did not make swirls on Miller machines. Brian Graham has never made a swirl marble on a original Peltier Miller machine.  The marble pattern all happens before the marble machine.   I have seen in person probably a hundred or more marble machines and they are all basically the same. just grooved rolls. Different size rolls for different size marbles. 

 I will listen to anyone who can explain to me what is special or different about a Peltier Miller marble machine which made all the Peltier swirl marbles.  

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Ron is VERY CORRECT on this and most will agree. I have studied (ALL) the Peltiers marbles over all these years and with Rons input is right. I agree (totally) with him on this. Ron always talks about (glass flow) and i noticed on your third photo there is a (V) pattern and as it flows in a clockwise or counter clockwise pattern towards a yeng-yang pattern. Now a lot of swirls do not do this, while some have the double pattern that is the "Ramshead Chevron" look. I agree also that it is an (early) swirl that would probably fall into the "Blue Panda" family type because the internal opaque white flows down into the base glass. A little input and use it as you may. Chuck G---

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