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Akro Friday

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Let's see some Green Akro Agate Marbles 😉

The Kro Issue No.000 was sent out March 1st.  If you signed up and did not see it, your email program must have put it in spam or you inadvertedly deleted it.  If you never signed up to receive it... you should here>   https://akroagatemarbles.com/the-store/  and you'll get it immediately in your inbox.

Have a spectacular day Akroholics.


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Just acquired this mib in a lot . took it into the sun for some pics 

Has an a crazy base glass like opal with some blue tint or something the cork I thought was black but it is dark dark purple .

I got some shots of the blue tint it is crazy it's like 2 marbles when the light shines through the blue.











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45 minutes ago, Tommy said:

Has an a crazy base glass like opal with some blue tint or something the cork I thought was black but it is dark dark purple .


I am amazed at this one Tommy—just flaber-gassed. I have never seen one like it.
99% of the black that you see in marbles/glass is either purple, brown, green, grey or blue. 
True black is a very hard find in any glass and I remember having some heated discussions with our old friend Ron regarding this “no black glass thing”. He convinced me that there is true black glass and had recipes to back him up—I gave up and have yet to see it in hand.
This is just a great corkscrew—why would one quit collecting them? They are always showing up as one offs or very special ones.
Backlight them all----
I just love this stuff.
Thanks for sharing this one.

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9 hours ago, VaMarbles said:

Maybe the 2nd Crow for our collection.  

Not a Crow my marble collecting friend--a cousin for sure (maybe a Grackle:wub: not a name just a joke here).

The right hand one is just top notch---love it--great marble!

Thanks for sharing these.


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It's the best day of the week!

1.  5/8" Just some great eyelashes, if I could get a better camera and lens, I might be able to show the microscopic bubbles making up these eyelashes.

2.  21/32" Carnelian colors but a corkscrew

3. 5/8" The widest, but thinnest surface Brown corkscrew on Yellow

007_5-8 inch yellow and transparent blue on transluscent_wm.jpg

028_Red White Off White_21_32_wm2.jpg


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