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Jabo character marbles need help with identification of them


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"Welcome to Marble Connection Andi "   :wave2:

  Try PMing  @Nantucketdink he's the local expert on anything Jabo, probably you're best bet as to the year and values, etc. You can try the search bar in the upper right hand corner or  do a sweep of "Stephs study hall"  ?? Wish I knew more about Jabo, someone will chime in soon enough to help ya out. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chad G.


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These are just some of the ones I thought where the older ones. I really have no idea though because I'm a newbie I guess it's called. I have a lot more. Total I paid I believe $175 for all of these plus the ones with the pictures. If I wanted to sell the lot what should I charge based on what you see In the pictures?


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Looking like you have a mix of modern and vintage marbles. Don't be discouraged if some have little too no value. All part of the learning curve. Plus it's also about what you like!

Try posting a few at a time, a few shots of each, including the seams and/or cutlines, and I'm sure someone will assist you in identifying what they are. Someone might also highlight something in that pile if it catches their eye and want some extra looks.

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The Jabo comic marbles are modern and still sell today for about what they sold for new or less.  I had a box of about 50 of them at the recent Fort Wayne IN show. I had $1.00 each on them. I never sold a one. I even offered them for 50 cents each, to a few who did look down at them. Kids at a flea market is about the only hopes of selling them. I was a regular visitor at Jabo several years when these were being made and sold by Jabo.  Almost all of them were sold on blister paks in groups of three or five. The age would be, made around 2005-2010 . 

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Every machine made marble is cut twice by a glass shear. The hot glass stream flows from a furnace down to a shear where it is cut twice, bottom and top, then the glob falls onto grooved rollers which make the hot elongated glass glob round into a marble. It cools and hardens has it travels down the length of the rolls. 

Some marbles will show two cut lines, some show one cut line and some show no cut line. Cut lines can roll and fold inside a marble.  Most swirl style marbles do not show cut lines. 

Learn what style marbles there are, patch, ribbon, patch and ribbon, swirl, corkscrew, brushed patch, popeye, oxbloods, cat eye, etc.  

There are many You Tube videos on making machine made marbles.  Also different You Tube videos on identing many marbles. 

Learn what is a hand made marble, and a machine made marbles and modern contemporary marbles.   

Learning can be free. Buying and learning after you buy can get expensive.  

Cut lines below


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Take a look here through the Archives and Steph`s Study Hall and read back through the pages of IDs, and you`ll start to get a handle on the various styles, and what marbles collectors are looking for - I think you`ll enjoy it.

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I'm fairly new too this aspect of collecting also, Andi. I've collected anything from antiques to sports cards for the past 35-40 years. But only got into the marble side of things a couple years ago. 

These folks here at MarbleConnection, they have been doing this for a very long time, some 10 years, some 20, 30, 40, even some a lifetime. Some attend marble shows nationwide. Some have been too the marble factories when they were operating. And some, after they closed, dug at these old factory sites for marbles nobody ever saw. 

The knowledge is very deep here indeed, so jump in, take your time, and slowly absorb what these folks have put into words and pictures here at MarbleConnection. 

You will become familiar with a handful of the "regulars" such  as Chad, Steph, Ron, Ann, Chuck (cheese), Art (akroorca), and a few others (sorry if I didn't mention 😊),that are tirelessly checking in here too assist, report, share, or simply enjoy each other's company. 

It's a great place. Really like a second family too me IMO! Enjoy and have a blast!

Oh yeah, check out Stephen Bahr, who is also a member here, and his tutorial videos on marbles and manufacturers on YouTube. Top notch learning experience 👍

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5 hours ago, William said:

I'm fairly new too this aspect of collecting also, Andi. I've collected anything from antiques to sports cards for the past 35-40 years. But only got into the marble side of things a couple years ago. 

These folks here at MarbleConnection, they have been doing this for a very long time, some 10 years, some 20, 30, 40, even some a lifetime. Some attend marble shows nationwide. Some have been too the marble factories when they were operating. And some, after they closed, dug at these old factory sites for marbles nobody ever saw. 

The knowledge is very deep here indeed, so jump in, take your time, and slowly absorb what these folks have put into words and pictures here at MarbleConnection. 

You will become familiar with a handful of the "regulars" such  as Chad, Steph, Ron, Ann, Chuck (cheese), Art (akroorca), and a few others (sorry if I didn't mention 😊),that are tirelessly checking in here too assist, report, share, or simply enjoy each other's company. 

It's a great place. Really like a second family too me IMO! Enjoy and have a blast!

Oh yeah, check out Stephen Bahr, who is also a member here, and his tutorial videos on marbles and manufacturers on YouTube. Top notch learning experience 👍

Well said my marble brother 👍

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@Nantucketdink That's good to know. Thank you. I completely understand if you help collectors not sellers. I'm thinking of keeping them now anyways because they are better looking in the big glass jar there in then on some for sale site. They have been displayed around my place for so long I'm so used to them now. Anyways, thanks for your help.

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