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Happy New Year 2023 show some weird!!


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Post some weird ones for this New Year of 2023.
Here is a pair of Benningtons- one is just over 3/8” and the next is just below 1-3/8”.
Trust me, not an easy focus.

The next is as close as I will probably ever get to a Swarovski marble. These would hang from the chandeliers in the stores---1- ¼ inch.

If you were lucky diving the dumpster behind the mall, you may have scored a few of these. ( I love a good dumpster diver).
Happy New Year to you all!!

and of course--




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49 minutes ago, Al Oregon said:

Some "Grass" Marbles......?


Pretty cool Al.

I cannot imagine playing marbles on the "Grass" except for right now with the frost in the ground😁.

Marbles with a trading card enclosed-- nice idea for sure!

"Happy Trails to you"

and a hardy happy "New Years" Al.


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13 minutes ago, bumblebee said:

The center one was affixed to something once but looks like slag glass that was pressed into a mold.


Un--real bumblebee--if I had my pick--it would be the multi-faceted---pressed.

Very cool and weird as well!

Happy New Years to you and yours.


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Some of these are weird to me. 
Rebuilding boxes may be weird to many but I love doing it and backfilling with marbles is a fun thing to do as well. It gives me a direction to go in and get wired to.
The first images of the Heaton boxes are weird because of the rarity of these boxes. These were so brittle after being stored in an attic that they were like Saltine crackers. I have had these for a few years now and they are almost workable. The colors are great but I still have to be patient before any restoration efforts. I will spread these around the collecting community when they are done, one is enough for me. One is almost restored and the other (with the marbles inside) is as found.
The second box was purchased just lately.—Never—just never apply tape to a vintage box. I lost some print from this one on the upper right hand removing the tape—and I consider myself an expert at removing tape ( the “A”). This box came with some Killer Phantom Conquerors.
The next box is more common but it is my first and I have been hunting one of these for years. The inserts are folded---weird for sure, the marbles vary in size—quite a bit—another weird—but they are all Master and this is probably an exact box---love it. Check out the numbers included of each color—the end of an era no doubt.
Check out the Master Glass marbles—weird for sure. These Master game marbles are the easiest to ID of any game marble out there. 
I posted one of the weird metallic looking ones below---not metallic—just a weird smudge along with one of the Vitro Phantoms.
Happy Weird New Years to you all!!








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Those Heaton boxes are rare and hard to find. I have owned two in 25 years. I still own one of them and hope to keep it a few more years. 

Wow a Roy Rogers card in a bag of marbles from Japan. They knew how to market their marbles.  I got to shake Roy Rogers hand back in about 1955 or 56. He was a hero of many then.  How I would have liked to have had a picture of that. I collect a few of the Roy Rogers items, pistols, spurs, original movie posters, a logo marble, etc.  I have never seen this bag before. Something else to hunt for. 

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2 hours ago, Ric said:

Here's another weird one - a Peltier sextuple ingot Rainbo. It's 1 1/8" and near perfectly round without that little nub you can see in pic 2. I gave it to Bill years ago - he really likes the weird stuff too.


Weird and cool Ric.

That is a whopper sized Pelt----weird for sure.


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3 hours ago, wvrons said:

Wow a Roy Rogers card in a bag of marbles from Japan. They knew how to market their marbles.  I got to shake Roy Rogers hand back in about 1955 or 56. He was a hero of many then.  How I would have liked to have had a picture of that. I collect a few of the Roy Rogers items, pistols, spurs, original movie posters, a logo marble, etc.  I have never seen this bag before. Something else to hunt for. 

Happy New Years Ron--good luck on finding that bag.


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