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What's your favorite breakfast?

Linda Gail

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I have eaten the same breakfast for many--many--many years now--I even pack it when I travel. It is like body medicine to me.
2 TBS of ground flaxseed--I grind it from whole seed with 1/4 tsp of Ceylon cinnamon, 3 heaping TBS of Walnuts, 1 TBS of honey, 3 heaping TBS of mixed dried fruit--usually cranberries, raisins and bitter cherries (blueberries when they are cheaper) and 1/3 cup of oatmeal.
I pour about enough milk--no-fat and water to make it spoon-able, nuke it for 90 seconds and wallaw! The truth runs in the results:wub:.
I have used these Anti oxidants to the max for breakfast for many years. This usually lasts until supper time.
The old poop shute loves this stuff:rolleye-842:—keep your colon healthy is all that I can say.


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   I like just about anything from super healthy to straight out artery clogging cardiac arrest big man breakfast. When I was younger me and grandpa would go squirrel hunting and he’d peel apples while we sat under a tree waiting on a shot. Apples never tasted better. We then would take our game home and grandma would pressure cook them for about 15 minutes and then simmer them in sausage gravy. Eggs, biscuits, homemade preserves, Burr Rabbit molasses, whole milk, coffee and juice would always be there too. We always said grace over the meal and “never” had reason to complain about the meal. Oh how I miss those days. By the way, the squirrels don’t. 

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I have 4 chickens. Each one lays a different colored egg. Freddie lays the white ones. We poach her’s. Chuck lays the brown freckled eggs. She’s our go to omelette eggs. Stormy lays pink eggs. She’s scrambled or fried. We hard boil Ruby’s eggs. Oh yeah ! I love Waffle House. Cheese eggs, grits and raisin toast. 🔥



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I like your philosophy on what you put into your temple (body that is) akroorka.  I've been an ovo-lacto vegetarian ( eggs and dairy allowed- no meat) for 40 years and try to keep on the organic side of food.  That's getting mighty expensive considering mainstream food is already outrageous. I have a handful of nuts and some fresh fruit with an espresso or latte to start the day.  This is very light but energizing to me.  If I ate a heavy lumberjack style breakfast I would just want to go lay back down.  B-rett 66 your memorial breakfast story is awesome!  I'll take a dozen of those speckled eggs Fire - beautiful!

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On 2/20/2024 at 5:03 PM, akroorka said:

I have eaten the same breakfast for many--many--many years now--I even pack it when I travel. It is like body medicine to me.
2 TBS of ground flaxseed--I grind it from whole seed with 1/4 tsp of Ceylon cinnamon, 3 heaping TBS of Walnuts, 1 TBS of honey, 3 heaping TBS of mixed dried fruit--usually cranberries, raisins and bitter cherries (blueberries when they are cheaper) and 1/3 cup of oatmeal.
I pour about enough milk--no-fat and water to make it spoon-able, nuke it for 90 seconds and wallaw! The truth runs in the results:wub:.
I have used these Anti oxidants to the max for breakfast for many years. This usually lasts until supper time.
The old poop shute loves this stuff:rolleye-842:—keep your colon healthy is all that I can say.


This sounds amazing. I love this type of stuff. 

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I don’t typically eat breakfast since I don’t really care for most breakfast food.  I know I’m weird. lol

If I do have breakfast it’s usually a berry smoothie or some yogurt. I do love an everything bagel with cream cheese occasionally too. 

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I love breakfast! I could eat it three meals a day. Best one? Too hard to choose, though the Ronneburg restaurant in one of the Amana colonies served the best Swedish pancakes and a delicious buffet that is memorable. I took Ron Shepherd and a few other marble show buddies there and even he came away satiated lol (but they don’t have buttered grits…so I can’t call it ideal.) 



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I like a nice big breakfast: eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuits and gravy. But since I'm usually in a hurry, toaster pastries, bagels, and "instant" oatmeal or grits are more typical fare. There is another cornerstone of a good breakfast that I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned yet: coffee. That may well be a topic that merits its own thread.

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  I love this thread I guess because I’m a big breakfast and family get together and eat kind of guy. I do a lot of breakfast at home for the family and we do a lot of breakfast get together for the guys at church when we have men’s meetings. River camp breakfast was always special when I was a kid. We always had a deer hunting camp in the fall and the fishing camp in the spring on the Wabash river in southern Indiana. One of my great uncles would get up every morning and cook breakfast for everybody and buddy he could lay it down. Guys would come from miles around just to eat breakfast, tell stories and watch the sun come up. They wouldn’t even deer hunt. The smell of fall leaves, a burning cigar, Off mosquito spray and fresh percolated coffee on a Coleman stove always brings back memories. The food was always good and the first guy who complained was the next cook. I miss those days but I still keep those guys alive by telling their stories and being the “Camp Cook” 

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  • 2 months later...

I am a cereal girl.  Could be Cheerios.  Could be fancy oatmeal.   Could be Weetabix.  Could be cream of wheat (or malt-o-meal) fixed Indian style with dal and onion and chili.   

Used to could be Lucky Charms or other sugar cereal but now I only buy small packages of that and save them for a special late night snack a coupla times a year. 

Lately I've been craving Grape Nuts.  May need to do that soon. 

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I have breakfast every day 1 item from each A B C and D below.

No lunch, and eat medium size supper.

A. 3 eggs scrambled or poached on toast or fried over medium or an American cheese omelet.

B. Bacon or Scrapple or Corn Beef Hash or sometimes a ham slice

C. English Muffin or waffle or blueberry pancake. or sometimes a bagel

D. Large Cold Chocolate Milk or COLD 2% milk.

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