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Mostly Pix - Akro


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Amazing Steph,

That you had found this image years ago. I have owned it for several years

My passion is rebuilding boxes that are in bad shape and bringing them back to life. Whether it is in a simple backfill or a reconstruction. This was in the tops for bad shape for sure of the rebuilds that I have done---it is not finished but I decided to post it for your and all of yours approval or your disapproval. This is what I do, like it or not. Preservation of these items is my main concern.

It was very brittle and torn, let alone the wax pencil covering all of the important stuff.

The buyer that I purchased it from told me that it came from an Elliot Pincus auction.

I tried to maintain some of the originality but old beat up boxes must display in a better form for me to call it to an end. I may have overdone some things on this box but trust me, I did my best. I spent hours and hours beyond imagination to bring it to this condition.

13/16 inch Flinties are not an easy find and I continue my search. The paper that this was constructed of is also a hard match. I have spent about too many hours on the research, a rare item for sure. I am researching this box again looking for the proper cardboard to make a patch. I came along your post and decided to give you the props.



Redone flinties#1.JPG

Redone flinties#2.JPG

Redone flinties#3.JPG

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