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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. I was going to put my Vitro confetti or spotty or whatever you want to call it on ebay today but suddenly realized I'd never put it in the caliper. It's 21/32". Does that mean it's an Asian look-alike?
  2. Could someone post a link to that auction? I'd like to watch it too.
  3. Budwas: It has white, yellow and green on a clear base.
  4. Mine is for sale if anyone wants to make me an offer. I'll be selling my Vitros next.
  5. This is my Vitro "spotty" or whatever you want to call it. A couple years before she passed, Patry Denton asked me if I was interested in selling it to her. I told her I'd save it for her if I was ever going to sell it, then unfortunately she passed away from her MS. From what I've read about the Vitro confettis or spotties, this is an authentic example. And by the way, I did find it in the wild at a flea market.
  6. I know I've seen photos on this site for the clear-based Vitro spotties or confetti marbles. Can anyone post one? Thanks.
  7. Hey Sammi, how is your Peltier book coming? I can't wait to see it.
  8. It's him bidding multiple times (twice) but the same amount each time. I don't get it. Oh well, it's getting quite a few views.
  9. I've been putting some lots up on ebay in the past year or so and in the past month or so seem to have acquired a buyer who consistently bids on each lot. These aren't fabulous marbles, but good for a starting collector and in nice clean condition. He obviously knows how to bid and keep out other bidders by getting in the first bid, then if there is more than one bid, it just stays on the starting minimum. Does this mean that subsequent bidders decide not to go up over whatever he has set for his maximum, so it just stays there at the bottom? I'm confused about this. OTOH, I'm glad to sell them but on the other, would like to get more than the minimum. I've been setting a very low start. Any advice?
  10. Such a pretty marble, but I've never seen this style or color combinations in CAC. What do you guys think? http://www.ebay.com/itm/262275765039?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  11. I'm no expert but the second group looks like CAC American Agates.
  12. Looking at my avatar made me suddenly remember that Sami Arim has been working on a book about Peltier marbles. Does anyone know how (or if) it's coming along?
  13. Majolica pottery and orchids.....lots of the latter, but when they die or don't please me, they become compost.
  14. Didn't know CAC used aventurine! What a cool marble.
  15. Oh yes, Ann. I didn't feel like taking several views. Totally Akro, no question. The base glass is transparent green filled with wispy white, the orange corks are on the surface.
  16. I've had these 2 for quite a few years and haven't seen any others, although I did go through this post kind of quickly. The construction reminds me of a popeye except the base glass isn't clear and there's only one cork color, but the wispy white is easy to see. OK, I guess they aren't so much like a popeye, LOL.
  17. Heaton, Alox, Cairo, and even Ravenswoods are fiendishly difficult to distinguish one from the other, especially since the companies often bought each others' marbles and put them in their own packaging. At least that's what I've read. Is anyone an expert on these lesser-known types?
  18. Hmm, none of those mentioned were what I remember from years ago. Not that I remember, so I suppose that's a dumb thing to say.
  19. I used to know the various nicknames but have been out of touch for a while. Here's an opaque white based marble with a swirl of green and definite oxblood, but I'm pretty sure it's not Akro. Ravenswood? Alley?
  20. Yes, it looks exactly like a snail shell. Is it a Leighton type?
  21. Thanks, everyone. Maybe this one is too small to fit initials on?? LOL
  22. Gee, I'm surprised neither of you has a guess as to maker. Hope someone else does. Maybe it's a rare one worth many hundreds of dollars......LOL.
  23. Rummaging through marbles to create my next ebay lots, I stumbled across this 1/2" peewee "guinea" which is obviously modern. It has a pontil (visible in the 2nd photo) and a cobalt blue base. My photography skills aren't up to showing the base in a photo and I apologize for the lack of crispness. I don't remember getting this at a show--I've been to very few--nor picking it up in a miscellaneous find. The melted pontil doesn't show any initials. Does anyone know who might have created this pretty little bauble?
  24. There really isn't a whole lot of difference between striped transparents and slags, is there?
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