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Everything posted by bigjohn691500

  1. well, im still kicking, working on step one and finally after all this time i think we have a plan to get my daughter up here this weekend,, thats what this has been all about(step one), with you guys help i have the money to do that,, had my first interview with insurance people yesterday and they actually sounded like they were concerned enough to expidite the forms i needed for getting the doctors opinion on what i need which is so much further than i have ever gotten with these people,, so im a fighter i live on laxitives and think i mighta lost a little weight to keep that stuck feeling i have when this mass just gets as hard as a rock when it gets stuck,, im hanging in there,, i sure am enjoying all the post you guys are making, its pretty much the highlight of my day to come on here and look at all the beautiful mibs you all have, trust me i live a simple life so pictures are great enough for me to feel all warm and fuzzy,, lolol,,,, i figure if i can keep things moving out im doing ok, i just want that insurance in place before i go under the knife which i hate to admit am scared to death of, but i know it needs to be done, im just glad im going to have someone here so i dont go through this alone,, Thanks again for all your help,,, bj
  2. All you people are awesome,, im speechless just trying to figure a way to show my gratitude,, lemme get my daughter up here , i just dont want to go through this alone,, just sucks living alone,, bj
  3. my brother arrived last night and i could feel the evil attacking me lift,, he asked why both my feet were turning black, i didnt notice, going to docs today fix this prostate thing i hope,, thanks everyone,, bj
  4. i hate pulling on your heart strings again, but, i was hoping you turn your prayers to myself,, for the last 3 months or so ive been having bad infections where nobody wants them and im afraid this last bout has hit me the hardest,, im really having a tough go of it here, my brother is coming in from pennsylvania to help get me to help,, but this one has me on my back, i sit here in so much pain but i know prayer works so if you would be so kind and throw some my way i would apreciate it alot,, God bless you all, thanks big john
  5. The date has been set,, May 25,,,,, i guess ide better start saving my money now,, lololololololol,,,thanks again everyone,,, bj ric you need to use a flash on your camera for that bear,,,lololololol,, them red eye mibs will light up like fire,,, lolololol,, love dat bear,,,lololol,, you da man
  6. ok im really really enjoying this thread, there all great mibs just awesome,,, BUT,,,,, ok this is off the hook cool as heck, man , i could gaze into that mib for hours wondering how it was made,,, wow, what an artist,,, very cool
  7. For those of you who helped us through this mess, with prayers and thoughts and sales from my mibs i sold that went down to help my daughter out, i just wanted to update you on Chris's progress,, he went from the hospital to a rehab center to learn how to walk, i guess that was the only thing after brain surgery that went out/bad/ wrong with him,, proof that miracles do happen THANK YOU EVERYONE update this morning from my daughter:::: Chris gets to come home on Friday!!!! I'm looking forward to seeing him at home. It's been far too long!
  8. problem is it goes away,, lol,, this is crazy enough, i might try it this winter,, very very cool,, oh yea,,,j
  9. very nice finds houze of glass museum,, vidrio cigar lighter, very cool http://apps.houzegla...bum.cfm?a=16637
  10. i had a sulphide once that had a bear standing on his back legs and he had a big stick across his shoulders,, i was told it was a teddy roosevelt symbol,,, wish i still had it,,, bj
  11. well Don, i guess that puts to rest a majority of the west virginia swirls i couldnt identify, jeepers,, and the wire pull look a likes ive been putting aside,, what a collection,,,nice,,bj
  12. man, now thats sounds like fun sissy,, very organized, maybe one day i can attend, maybe,, lol, bj
  13. this was a stupid comment i made, bowing out,,j
  14. my first thought as well,,, what a beautiful mib, nice pic,,john
  15. nice, very nice,,, who are you?,,, welcome,,, john
  16. this was a dumb comment, i broke my own rule of not getting involved with the politics, just wanna marble on,, j
  17. update an hour ago: So, Chris has a partially collapsed lung. He has been moving around on his bed because he wants to get up and move... They removed the temperature regulator machine... I'm so glad that he is alive and glad he is trying to get up and move. I'm so grateful for the prayers that everyone sent his way.
  18. yes it is Leroy,, UPDATE: So, Chris is awake. He is alert. He remembers me. And now he's giving me heck because I can't understand his mumbling of his lips. I want to take that darn trach out so he can talk. He's getting frustrated because he thinks that we can understand him. I feel bad. I started crying because I don't want to frustrate him, it's a miracle that he is alive and has as much memory as he does. Ugh
  19. this was sundays update: I talked to Chris's mom today and Chris opened his eyes and was squeezing her hand and moving his feet. One of my biggest fears was that Chris wouldn't remember the last five years of his life, so his mom asked him to squeeze her hand if he remembered me, and he did. I'm so glad. But we are not completely out of the dark yet. We might have just seen a miracle happen. Please keep him in your prayers this was 12hours ago: (me)he had to have surgery to have a trach put in so they could feed him i guess... (shawna) Chris has finally gotten the trach and feeding tube in and they found out that he has pneumonia.
  20. Update about 20 minutes ago,,, remember the hospital they have him in is a 2 hour drive for shawna and she has the kids so she cant be there all the time,, also included pic of my grand kids I called the hospital to check on Chris. He is responding more to pain, which means he is waking up. He had his eyes open but not for long. His vitals are doing good. They are going to be putting the trach and feeding tube in today, so keep him in your thoughts
  21. update from my daughter about an hour ago Well, we talked to the doctor about recovery and if it was possible at this point and they said that he can make a complete recovery. The MRI let them know that he didn't have damage to his spinal cord. He doesn't have any infection. They are going to be putting a trach in for his breathing. And a feeding tube. The big thing that we are looking at now is making sure that he doesn't get a blood clot, infection, or another stroke. So, don't give up on us yet! This is good news. We still have to take it day by day :
  22. i guess we all knew what this type injury can do for the outcome results, if anything keep my daughter and kids in your daily prayers, they need strength to get through this,, thanks,,,bj update from my daughter I talked to Chris's dad tonight... Chris's hands and feet are turning purple. He is on a respirator 100%. The doctors are not sure that he will make it. They have taken him off of the sedation medicine and unstrapped his hands. I really don't know what to do. I'm trying to be strong.
  23. Thanks again Folks,, 40 minutes ago UPDATE: The doctors took the drainage tube out of his brain because he doesn't have anymore fluid on his brain. He is still running a temp, but they think he has pneumonia. So, they sent off for a culture to see if that is where the fever is coming from. They got his blood pressure under control to the point that it made it too low. But they are keeping a cooling blanket under him so his fever doesn't go up. They changed all his tubing. His cat scan came back good. They did an EKG. So much information to tell, but it looks like the prayers are helping! Thank you everyone.
  24. Mk ruby bee, with an awesome translucent base by the looks of it heres one i had at one time with solid base,, love love love the looks of them
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