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Everything posted by JerryG

  1. And yet..... The spotty examples still have stretched colors. I guess this whole thing really doesn't matter. The seller has found a buyer and hopefully everyone is satisfied. Personally, I wouldn't have touched it and in the end the selling price was on the high end of Guinea pricing.
  2. Seams... I only own three, so I can't swear to all Guinea seams. Mine are pretty easy to find and photograph.
  3. I posted this on the other thread, but your picture also points out my problem with the discussed marble. The blobs of color are stretch on the surface. Maybe not all of them, but not none. Here's my three
  4. I own three Guineas. Two cobalt based and one amber based. In my MNSHO, this is a contemporary. Provence or not. Every Guinea I've seen has stretched colors, not the blobs of color on this one.
  5. M.F. Christensen Opaque. It's a bit rough, but I'll probably not find another
  6. This one is not fractured, though I'm surprised as the gouge is deep and long. And not out of round. I have no idea when or where I got it. I've kept records of all my purchases since I started collecting again at the end of November of last year. It's not there. So somewhere 10+ years ago, probably off Ebay. Beyond that, it's anybody's guess.
  7. I seem to have had this little guy in my Peltier collection for a while. Looking through my Peltier boxes, this caught my eye. At first for it's colors and the I discovered that under a bright light the green was full of aventurine. I know the NLR Rainbos had/have aventurine, but this is the first regular Rainbo I've seen with aventurine. It's damaged. A gouge that I wish wasn't there. And it seems there is another ribbon of red hiding under the green opposite the red that shows. So a six-finger Peltier. A hair less than 1/2". Red, blue and aventurine green. Even with the damage, I think this is a keeper. Haven't seen anything like it.
  8. Looked like all your forum software was deleted. Thank goodness for backups.
  9. It was quiet without you. What happened.
  10. What the heck???? And he/she got three bids. As P.T. Barnum said many years ago. There's a sucker born every minute.
  11. I haven't sold on Ebay for a lot of years, but if it's staying at the minimum bid it means that nobody is bidding against him. For example: minimum bid of $0.99. Your bidder sets his maximum bid a $2.00. I *think* the bids increase at $0.50 increments at that low of a start. Next bid needs to be $1.49. If someone bids that, your original bidder is automatically increased to $1.99. If your lots are staying at minimum bids, you are not attracting the attention you need.
  12. I've bought one set of Vitro Cats-eyes from them. One was as described, second one was no where near. Price was too small to complain, but I'll never buy another marble from them.
  13. Holy Cr@p... Yes I bet the seller was happy. Too many people with too much money.
  14. Some new Peltiers for me. Number one is UV active and the ribbons smear on the second side. Number two is a twisted rainbo in MCS colors, but the base is a translucent blue. Number three is nothing special. Rainbo in MCS colors. Number four is another MCS, but I love how white traces along the edges of of some of the colors.
  15. A Citrus something. That's for sure.
  16. Thanks for the info. And I'm watching your set on ebay. Probably won't bid, as they're a different pattern, but I'm curious what your final bid is going to be.
  17. Hadn't thought of that. I had thought that most of these Akroware stuff was later in their history, but I guess they could be handgathered.
  18. Bottom of plate. Almost looks like it was brushed on.
  19. I've been picking up pieces of this set over the years. Yesterday's addition was the little bowl at bottom left. With the bowl, a complete set would be 21 pieces, but I'll be glad if I can get a single setting. Cup, saucer, plate, bowl, tea pot and lid, sugar bowl and lid and creamer. That means just 5 more pieces. And noticed this morning taking this picture that there's a spiral of oxblood on the bottom of the plate. That would seem to indicate that the oxblood was laid down by hand.
  20. So, I'm still not sure what I've got. Neither look like the above. And I've got yet another blue base NLR on it's way. Think I'm going to have to find someone to take them in hand. Thanks to everyone.
  21. Since I'm getting no response from the folks over on AAM, I'll try here. These two were described as Blue Pandas. But they are very different. The left marble has a transparent/translucent blue base and the right on has an opaque greyish-blue base. They both can't be Blue Pandas ... Can they?
  22. It's a piece of junk. I'll give you my address and I'll take it off your hands. Seriously, I don't know what it is, but it's kind of set up like a Peltier Citrus. Whatever it is, it's a very pretty marble.
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