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Everything posted by JerryG

  1. JerryG

    Vitro ID

    Oh... Yes I have. Such a simple little marble and so many combinations.
  2. JerryG

    Vitro ID

    How better to spend a lazy Sunday than digging through marbles. Over the years I haven't paid much attention to the Vitros that slowly filled bags until I recently became interested in Tiger Eyes and all their possible color variations. So I started digging through bags looking for Vitro marbles. These two caught my eye, only because I didn't think I had seen anything like them. Quickly figured out the one on the left is a Blackie and was thinking the one on the right was a Whitie, until I read the description and compared it two a couple Whities that have been IDd for me. Description says 'Opaque white base with same colored ribbons running from seam to seam'. This one has a clear base with white patches on the poles and same colored ribbons running from seam to seam. Still a Whitie?
  3. I'd call it a Coral. Base is right and color is *mostly* right. If it was handed to me, I'd add it to my Coral box.
  4. They do have a CAC feel to them. But then, my CAC expertise ends with the obvious ones.
  5. So... I've been talking to one owner back. He believes it's a Cherry Bomb. I believe it's a Cherry Bomb. I'm probably never going to sell it, so... It's a Cherry Bomb.
  6. I've probably only *sold* a couple of marbles in my collecting career. I've given away quite a few to my best friend, including some Larry Castle marble jewellery. I'm now in a cross-country marble exchange. But... Some of my collection is going to make somebody very happy when I die and I'll have most of them until that point. Like any collector I try to find the best, but I don't sweat the imperfections. If I can hold it in my hand and not see the hits, it's mint for me.
  7. Described as such. I really want to believe it is, but since I only paid $0.99 I'm not going to be disappointed either way. Ruby Slipper at the bottom for comparison
  8. Very nice... I've got one Fallen Angel/Wounded Warrior I wouldn't sell for any price. Someone really loved this Brick.
  9. JerryG


    So... Steph say I should post this over here. Akro patch. A 4 color tri-color
  10. Yes Boss... Yeah I noticed the eyelashes and I really did think it was Akro, it just seemed to have too many colors. Done and done.
  11. Not sure where to post this, but because it's been residing in my Akro box, we'll start here. The more I look at this, the more I'm unsure if it's Akro. The closest I could come is a Tri-Color, but it's got at least 4 colors. 27/32" Thoughts?
  12. That's where I am with these guys. Sometimes I can ID Ravenswoods, but other that that, they're WV Swirls.
  13. Well, someone really loved this one. It's almost painful to look at. Looks more like the Moon's surface.
  14. Nice... I've got a few beater bricks that seldom see the light of day. I really should go through them.
  15. Looking at Steph's Study Hall Alox Agates, I notice a photo of an Alox Tit Tat Toe box. Now I think I've got one of those somewhere. A quick search through my box of marble packages turns it up and it contains marbles. They look surprisingly like those I tweaked out of the mesh bag. So were both backfilled with the same marbles (by Alox or somebody else down the line) or are they actually Alox swirls? Good question and something I'm not going to be able to answer. Just interesting.
  16. A couple days ago I posted photos over on LOM of three mesh bags that I've had for over 10 years. First two were deemed real and the last, an Alox Agate bag, was deemed sort of fantasy. Probably real bag and header but filled with other marbles. It appeared to have a combination of swirls and cats-eyes that looked like MK. Our lovely moderator, Steph, stepped in with some reasonable points that this bag may not be a 'sort of fantasy'. Her reasoning was that Alox themselves filled bags with their own and other manufacturer's marbles. You'll notice a small hole in the seam at the bottom and I carefully tweaked out a few of the marbles. The cats do look MK, but I'm at a loss with the swirls. Any opinions?
  17. I'm old enough to remember my local Woolworth's. Wood floors, tall ceilings, long lunch counter down one side. And five and dime. For a kid with nickels and dimes in his pockets, it was heaven.
  18. Marbles are cats-eyes. Beyond that, not much help.
  19. Latest off my bucket list. Ruby Slipper 9/16" and Woody 9/16"
  20. JerryG

    Holy Cr*p!!

    Change is good. Change is good. Change is good.
  21. I think that should be something to consider. I host my own photos, but I like to post bigger shots and my directory of marble photos since the end of November is around 13Meg. These aren't posted on a single marble site, but I can see folks hitting the limit pretty fast.
  22. Well now... That looks pretty conclusive. Thanks all. I can tell my trading partner to not worry...
  23. Everybody hates new. I spent too many years as a software engineer to really complain about updates. Bugs are fixed. Features are added. I'll get used to the differences. And I spent a couple years running a marble forum and I know the effort involved, so thanks to Louis and Steph for all their hard work.
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