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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Salvation Army won’t be one of my beneficiaries. https://justthenews.com/nation/culture/salvation-army-withdraws-guide-asks-white-members-apologize-their-race#insticator-commenting
  2. Maybe we should all agree to go “soylent green”???🫣🫣🫣
  3. That is disturbing on many levels🤮
  4. I plan on being cremated, with my ashes going into a very rare and expensive Blenko decanter. My wife has agreed, but thinks I nuts. I haven't figured out which one yet…going to have the stopper sealed.
  5. My grandfather was such a person. A geologist, he collected things from all over the world, each with a micro-sized note. I will dig them out and post pics, some are hilarious.
  6. We are all simply caretakers, preserving the past for future generations. The big question is who do we pass it on to? my kids want nothing to do with anything I collect, so I need to cultivate a new generation of collectors who will appreciate my “stuff”. how do other people plan to move their collections on?
  7. Send it all to me, I will shoulder your burdens😁
  8. We have Ezells, which has awesome livers and gizzards. there is a small place at Pike Place Market in Seattle that sells 1/2lb baskets for around $4, any combination of hearts, livers, and gizzards. Best and least expensive lunch in town! as for beef liver, the wife cooks it along with a bunch of other stuff for dog food🤣
  9. Being an engineer, I need a few things to verify your claims of differential weight and temperature. first off, I need the NIST certifications for all your monitoring equipment. (This includes your libation alcohol analysis.) next, I need the environmental conditions of your testing lab, be it the office, bathroom or deck, including the hot tub. thirdly…. I forget, on my second glass of wine and cigar. carry-on🤣🤣🤣
  10. Good to know, thanks. It did not impact what I offered, that was based on the 2 big ones I posted earlier. There was a 1-5/16” blue Bennington, plus a 5/8” blue/yellow Popeye.
  11. There’s were in a single bag, 1/4” to 1/2”. The largest has the blue star embossed on it, with remnants of an orange star on the reverse. Don’t remember seeing this type before…
  12. Here are pics of the whole box. 80% will be going to kids at the next antique show. The remainder go into the collection. There were roughly 2 dozen German swirls, mostly smalls. there is also a 1” onion skin that has many many hits. Wounded warrior…
  13. Found this website to make your own machine🤔 http://theglassmarble.com/sphere grinder.htm
  14. I can’t find my Dean Six book either…🤣🤣 paul’s book is about $40 now on Amazon😢 thanks Buddy. I haven’t been to a show in years where there was a large selection to check pricing. The wife and I are talking about Vegas this year, definitely going to the July show in SeaTac, WA.
  15. I just remembered I had given away my Baumann’s 4th Ed to a young child at a pre-Covid antique show, along with a big bag of marbles🤯. so, I need to update… suggestions appreciated. Looking to cover all types, with $ ranges if available. Thanks!
  16. I sent him an email, saw his setup on FB. that would be a fun hobby…
  17. Excellent results! do you have contact info for anyone still polishing? My last batch was 15 years ago, can’t remember who did it.🤯
  18. This donut bullseye is 1-3/4”. (Found a measuring tape) I do not collect chinas, but this one stood out due to its size. Looked online and found nothing similar. It has crazing, so thinking it is not a contemporary. black with the outer bands being dark blue.
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