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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Interesting to see someone's collection! You have a lot of cullet aswell,is it sort of learning tool?Anyway it looks nice.
  2. What a great boxes Dani and Galen!! In Dani's box ,they are all beauties. In Galen's box,it looks as if there are translucent aswell opaques in it ,is that so?
  3. I really don't know if they look like Turkey's.
  4. Yes they glow light green (uranium). You're right about the Euro sparklers,most of them do glow,mostly orange but also other colors. I took this pic- of an EU sparkler years ago.
  5. The red ones do not glow green (that would be a surpriseLOL). They glow looks like fire,it's very bright reddish-orange. Ann do you have wirepull's with red,if so look at the red under UV light and you can see it. I have been told that it's caused by Manganese.
  6. some of these remind me of Champion or Ravenswood.
  7. Good to know Steph. I accepted a freind on Facebook today without looking who or what he was,it was early in the morning Think I wasn't awake, anyway I saw things on his page that I don't want to see,he has been removed.
  8. So that was fun to do! #4 of the red #2 seam Ger. slags I have do glow like crazy. #3 of the green #2 seam slags do glow. But what amazes me the most,the clear transp- colorless based ones ,they all glow,some light green,some pink and others lavender. Does anyone else have clear colorless based slags,if you have go to look and maybe you're surprised too.
  9. Thats a nice one Ann. I'm going to dig some more from my files.
  10. Steph said:That ox is something else. Steph do you know what it is?
  11. I'm a little envious at post 107,and I didn't know that Alley made those Wirepull look alikes. I learn here every time something new. Here're some more.
  12. Very English colors and a nice addition!!
  13. Yeah you can't miss it,that it's a Vitro.
  14. Some more of which I think English colors.
  15. She does Always surprise me,they never bored me. ​
  16. After a good night's rest,I think,I understand what Galen means by "folded up 2 seam slag". Is it:the second seam is below the visible seam,or am I completely wrong? What do you think about this one,I've found it in Holland,it has 1 seam.
  17. The left one could be German slag and may be the right one aswell.
  18. hmmm,Looking for a fold,I can't see a fold,is it not visible? I think I don't understand it.
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