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Everything posted by winnie

  1. There is no fold that i can see. Here are some pic- with different lighting. I've problems to catch the real color. In hand it sure is more blueish. The only thing that strikes me about this one is all the fine lines on the surface,and the transparancy. winnie
  2. Sorry,this marble is extreme transparant,so hard to photograph the design on the surface. The opaque white that you see on this marble is almost all on the surface,there is little inside. winnie
  3. It's 9/16. The measure is an indication in this case,for being a pelt? winnie
  4. Saw the blue Pelt slag,Ric posted in his thread "nice American Agate",now i'm wondering could this be a Pelt slag? I've got it from the States. winnie
  5. Very nice Ric,I like the red-white handgathereds. winnie
  6. I think also that it may be said,good work Steph! winnie
  7. I wonder why this one is so expensive,is it only the size (which is difficult to make) or something i'm missing? winnie
  8. Euro swirls,thats what people call them often on the boards. Just when i start to think they're German. The lady who sold them had all kind of German dug stuff,such as doll parts and other little dug objects,she only has 2 marbles. winnie
  9. Both are 5/8. I've posted a few days back some red white blue swirls,i think these are nicer. winnie
  10. Never figured out what that stuff in the red is. I'm no glass specialist,i once thought maybe it has something to do with the temperature of the red glass,to cold,is that possible? winnie
  11. One more try hope this works,have problems with uploading. winnie
  12. Can't attach pictures. -error this upload failed- And can't upload them from Photobucket either. winnie
  13. I've some red white blue swirls but they're not WV swirls,so i think they don't belong in this thread....Steph? winnie
  14. Interesting thread! What about all those beautiful CAC striped transp- and opaques in the book -collecting early machine-made marbles- by Robert S.Block,they didn't exist before 1990 or is it only the name ""exotic"" that did exist after 1990? winnie
  15. They're possible made in France and /or Germany. I believe they were made in the 50s and 60s. Some have a few colors others have many colors. Some have orange peel others are smooth. winnie
  16. When I look at the beautiful marbles in this thread,I suddenly remember as a child in the 50's,that their were some kids with those beautiful big hand-mades,they only let them see,didn't play with them. I believe it was forbidden by their parents to play with them. If you were lucky you could win small hand-mades. winnie
  17. Think this are 5 Vitro's that i found here. Are these from the 80s,and are they called Vitro all red,or are they white in them to be Vitro all red? they are opaque and are 5/8. Thanks,winnie
  18. Zig,WOW they all are very nice but that top right onion-,I love the colors of that one. Edna,those are real family marbles. I've also some marbles that has belonged to my family. Me too love all kind of marbles but i only collect vintage marbles,i think it has something to do with their little history,can't help it LOL,oh i've some Vacors and Jabo's but mainly to compare. winnie
  19. Who wants to participate? Some of you have them,show them please! winnie
  20. Thanks Zig,mine are different from yours. Mine are made rough,they have 2 visible cut offs ans some have cold roll's on the surface. Maybe these were not imported by England,or you have not found them yet.Maybe England has imported marbles that can't be found in Holland. winnie
  21. I was under the assumtion your marbles were all one and the same type,now that i look closer at the blue red one on the right,I think it could be the same type as my marbles. What size it is? So far I found them only in the 15/16 size. Here you can see there are no open spaces in the strands,some of them have more than 2 colors. The ones i have (exept for 1) do have white in them. Some of them have thin translucent stripes on the surface. I'm amazed every time how many different Sunburst -Sparkler type's there are.,I don't know how else i should call them. winnie
  22. PlanB,mine are not that sparkler type,i have a few of them but they differ from the ones i posted. Zig,Thats a new type for me,nice!! The ones I've posted have a solid lobed "vane or core",there are no open spaces. Thanks,winnie
  23. These foreigns are 15/16. Some are made rough but there are some well made examples. Most have tinted base glass but theire are also clear based ones. They have a visible cut-off line almost the same as on the Japanese transi's. I think they're from the 70s. The construction resembles the Sunbursts. Anybody familiar with this type? winnie
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