I would think handmades aswell,concidering that three marbles in 1930 cost 1 cent,and one from 1907 cost 1 cent a piece.
Don't know what else it could be.
Ziggy,the marbles you posted from internet were they in connection with Japan?
I saved this from the internet in connection with marbles from Argentina,I know it's not much.
This one was sold in South America but are Japanese marbles
I'm really wondering if Argentina ever made marbles.
Is there anything known about marbles made in Argentina,companies-manufacturers?
Some of these marble types I've found here in Holland aswell.
While I was looking at those nice PPP's,i was wondering could these also be PeltsPP?
the clear one I've found in Holland,and the opaque one i've got out of the states.
I'm not a serious collector of handmades,but they're very nice,especially the pink ones.
So you're from the Netherlands aswell,i hope you will collect only hand-mades LOL.
I really don't know where they're made.
Your friend,during which time he would have got the marbles?
The glass companie in Amsterdam has made marbles during 1948 till 1962.
I don't believe i've marbles with a metallic look about them.