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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. There was one in the bunch with 3 colors. I don't know what the little white dots are,I've a new camera..... Mike,thats a beauty. Bob I've found them here in 5/8 size. winnie
  2. I've noticed that the transparant swirls from this group,do have about the same pattern as the opaque purple-green ones. They're probably from the same factory,what do you think? winnie
  3. Wow,those are beautiful!!! thanks for sharing. winnie
  4. Thanks,the woman who sold them,she is in her 30s,she told me they belonged to her father,that fits the 50s-60s timeline. winnie
  5. That i found this weekend here in a group in Holland,they all are about 13/16. winnie
  6. The marbles in post #24 are from that site. They were found there by digging during the urban renovation. I suppose Germany has made machine made swirls at least before WW11,although i've never seen them packed made in Germany,so i can't be sure. winnie
  7. Actually i've a lot of fav- cat's,but I think this is number 1. And number 2. I've no idea of values.
  8. Veiligglas sold their marbles by number with a special shovel. It's possible that different companies packed the marbles, because they exported their marbles to different country's. Here are a few examples with marbles that could be made by Veilgglas. The speculation continues LOL. I don't understand why nothing is known by the chambre of commerce of Amsterdam winnie
  9. merry xmas to all,hope you all have a nice holiday. winnie
  10. I don't recognize them as being German. I don't believe Germany has ever made patch or ribbon style marbles,but yeah i've not seen them all. Asian imperial have made and still make a lot of patch-ribbon style marbles. winnie
  11. Here are the Veiligglas marbles made in Amsterdam. They're all swirls and a sort of wirepull type, exept for the yellow one on top,not sure what it is. There were also some clearies. I wish that yellow red flame swirl is mine. winnie
  12. Thanks David,I hope it will be all right,i'm positive. You want me to take a dive in the river (who knows LOL). I live near that place,from my window i can see the river. I'll post later some more pictures from the marbles,that was send to me by Hans Ziekenoppasser. winnie
  13. Oh this is so much fun,in a sort of bad time for me. I,ve mailed with Hans Ziekenoppasser and he has send me 18 pictures of the marbles,made by veiligglas in Amsterdam,thanks so much. And yes these are the marbles i've found frequently here,and i was always thinking they were made in Germany,isn't that funny? Here are a few of the pic-. winnie
  14. Got this one from bigJohn,i think it's a Master tigereye. Anyway I'm glad with it,I got some nice marbles from him,thanks! winnie
  15. I found this among my German cat's. 3 of the 4 vanes are loaded with av-
  16. http://www.ebay.com/itm/L56-GERMAN-1880s-LG-ECCENTRIC-1-INCH-HD-MADE-OPAQUE-SWIRL-MARBLES-W-PONTIL-SCARS-/300618960476?pt=Marbles&hash=item45fe494e5c I've never seen this swirl type here in Europe. Jabo???? winnie
  17. He thinks Akro is a german company,I wish it was than i could easely find them here....though winnie
  18. Can't answer your question Steph,they're not mine,saw them on Ebay. Probable Duffy is right,could be Asian or Mexican. winnie
  19. We got here marbles with decals on them (not these),for example of Disney,they're always marked with licence of Disney. My oldest grandson he collects marbles with prints on them. Although these are sweet,they are well detailled,I think when they're still available it's a bit expencive. winnie
  20. http://www.ebay.nl/itm/SNOW-WHITE-AND-THE-SEVEN-DWARFS-COLLECTORS-GLASS-MARBLES-5-8-Size-/250893418596?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item3a6a69c064 I didn't know they exist,never saw them before,isn't it sweet? Does anyone know how old they are and who made them? winnie
  21. Wow,nice pelts,i like to add my pink on a Rainbo. winnie
  22. Very nice Masters,I likem too.Yours look very colorful. winnie
  23. Pieces of machine made marbles
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