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Everything posted by winnie

  1. I can inmagine myself that about 10 years from now some of them should be sold at Ebay as CAC's. Or do you mark them? winnie
  2. Those are nice Ric!! If it's polished how is it pssible that i can see a pontil,left under first pic-? I always thought the pontils disappear after polishing. LOL i see another marble now with a pontil. winnie
  3. Sure it looks German to me Dani. My problem is I have not seen enough Alley's LOL,maybe Alley made this sort swirls aswell...? Thats for you folks to decide. winnie
  4. 55 views and no response LOL My conclusion is foreign. I will not ask anymore anything about my patches,as I understand it's too difficult or maybe too confusing for you all LOL. thanks,winnie
  5. LOL you want patterns? 4 German swirls. winnie
  6. It's opaque 5/8 And yes I found it also here. Foreign or...? You know I start to think that I will never learn this type of marbles LOL. winnie
  7. What do you think,is it Asian or American made? I don't think its new. I found it here. 5/8 blue transparant base. winnie
  8. Thanks for for the show commentary. It's real fun for me to look at. I sure must have deep pockets if I ever decide to go to a marble show. winnie
  9. I'm thinking German,as you describe the base. Its often with German swirls that the base is in fact clear,although it looks like a colored transp- base. Here's one of mine,not so busy as yours,what do you think? winnie
  10. I enjoy this thread a lot,beautiful mibs everyone!!! Here are some that i found in my Pelt box. winnie
  11. Found this one today between my patches and want to share it. winnie
  12. These are the only 3 nice Pelts which I have. winnie
  13. Thank you I saved the pictures for him,thats a great collection! He has also a nice collection,he buys whatever he can get and he went to Graceland when he was 19 years old,he enjoyed so much. winnie
  14. My youngest son is a big fan of Elvis,since he was a 6 years old kid,he's now grown up but still like Elvis. I'll let him see the article. thanks,winnie
  15. WOW, fantastic folks,let them roll!! winnie
  16. Cees,I've found here a lot of this sort wirepulls. I believe they're from the early 60s. If that marble factory has exist,they possible could have been made there. Maybe some one has had them in stock and want to sell them in the 70's. It's a quess. winnie
  17. Don't know,there can be several reasons,for example someone can have a bunch of marbles (leftovers) and want to sell them,they must be packeged. Not saying this is what happens but the marbles look from the 60's to me and the bags are older,or do you think these wirepulls are from the 70's? The marble factory,if he has exist,was operating from 1949 till 1960. winnie must be, the bags are younger.
  18. I don't know exactly when they started to use plastic mesh bags,to me the marbles look older than the bags...? I know we bought our marbles in the 50s in colored mesh bags,they were not made of plastic. Could they be packed over? The marbles could be from the early 60's,did they use plastic mesh bags then? winnie
  19. Interesting,these sort of wirepulls look German for sure. The bags look plastic,I don't think that they use plastic in the 50's for the bags.Maybe these are made later? Cees do you know that I've found a time ago a German patent for a marble machine? I've posted it a few years back at LOM,if you have not seen it,I'll look for it in my files. Ron thanks for your kind words. It will not be easy to do research here. In your part of the world are since 30 years thousands of people who are interested in machien-mades. Here I'm as far as I know except for Cees the only one I visit many collecters fairs,when I start to talk about machiene-mades they look at me as if I'm loony, and maybe they're rightLOL. Well I'll do the best I can. winnie
  20. Yes,i believe it was in Diemen the clay-factory,the picture added with the article showed some children with a lot of clay's Indeed one can find here a lot of wirepulls,but so you can in Germany. I found the picture of the glass factory in the towns archieve,it was made in 1980,so the factory was closed for 10 years. You can see the name of the factory is still on the front of the left building. The second picture is how it looks now,almost everything is rebuilded and renovated.I can see the Realencanal out of the window of my appartement. winnie
  21. Cees the factory of the clay's could have been in the area of Amsterdam,can't remember. Galen I was wondering myself the same thing,this was the picture add by the article. The surroundings there are completely changed. Translation of the article:the factory area ran entirely of the Realengracht to the Vierwindenstraat. So maybe the marble factory was behind the building pictured. More info out of that article:The glass factory has excist from 1936 till 1970.The marble factory has excist from 1949 till 1960. Actually I didn't want to bring this story up,not untill I have more facts,because i couldn't believe it myself in the first place. Cees could you please post that other picture of the buildings? winnie
  22. Cees can you post the 2 pictures of the marbles,you've got from that man? About the sparkler types,I really don't know where they have been made,I can found them in so many European country's and there are so many different type's at this moment I'm a bit lost. I've a sparkler type with Bonux printed on it,i've also one with Bonux engraved,think the engraved one is older. About the German striped transparants,they are different from the 2 seam German slags,the slags have a colored or clear transp- base with white stripes in and on them. The striped transp- have a second or more colored stripes.They can be beautiful,Galen has a beautiful German striped transp-,I must have that picture somewhere in my photo files. As for the clay's yes I know there was a factory in Amsterdam who made them. Because i'm not so interested in clay marbles I have not done research,Read the article in the newspaper,if I remember well there was a picture of the inside of the factury. Here's a bonux sparkler type. winnie
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