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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Often folks posted marbles at LOM wich are hard to IDed,whether it's an old WV swirl or a newer Jabo. I'm not thinking of the special runs this time but the marbles made bofore the special runs. Some swirls among them could easy be confused with ols VW swirls,thats good with me but also a little confusing,sorry no pictures. winnie
  2. Well I looked at Ebay this evening,400 items,Pre-1970.Time ending soonest, Maybe I was lucky,saw a few Jabo's ,listed as Jabo and some other new marbles(Tammy's vintage marbles) Don't understand why but it does'nt bother me as long when the seller listed it as Jabo. I don't like it when the seller says:Ï don't know nothing about marbles"and he lists the Jabo's in the vintage listing. winnie
  3. Alan what kind of swirl is that,do you know the company's name? I like it,Alley? winnie
  4. Regular pontil,no idea how old it is,but it's not from yesterday LOL. winnie
  5. They are all so beautifull,I like them a lot. I have transitionals but I think mine are not that old,so they don't fit in this thread.Not 150-170 years old. winnie
  6. Here are more nines. That first one that blue ox- that Scott posted from Ebay,thats a strange one,it almost looks like the blue is transparante,never saw it befor. winnie
  7. Here is a nine,the tail you can see in the middle left picture. winnie
  8. Here it is.I believe they're a bit different of the All reds you find in America,is it? winnie
  9. I'm not sure,I once send a bag with Vitro's to Al,kind of all reds from about the 80's,is that what you mean,i will look if i have a picture of it. winnie
  10. If I understand it well,could be wrong,it's called an hybrid when one or more vanes have at least 2 different colors,like this one. Maybe it's something completely different LOL. winnie
  11. You're right Sue everyone can enjoy them if they want to. I like them new or old ,it makes no difference to me. This one has some black in it. winnie
  12. Sometimes I really like them ,those cat's. winnie
  13. No Cees not on this canal,but there were canals in the city where you can skate,it was really fun. To day all the snow is gone,it will be spring soon. winnie
  14. 2 months ago I really enjoyed the snow,now I begin to hate it. I can't remember we had snow for such a long time every day is white for 2 months now. winnie
  15. Why it would be wrong ,those nice transparante vanes in cat's. winnie
  16. Hi Cees,great collection you've got there!! Why do you call them Dutch non glass marbles? winnie
  17. Happy birthday Al,hope you have a good one and many more to come. winnie
  18. Thanks IDans, I think I got it thanks to your pictures. Ground,you can hardly see the pontil Regular you see where the cane is knock off. melted you see more of a twisting movement. thank you so much. winnie
  19. Thanks IDans, I always have had difficulties to see the difference between regular-ground or melted pontils. Even when I look for minutes at the different pontils I can hardly see it. Hope one day I will learn it. winnie
  20. Now I doubt could this be regular pontils,anyone? winnie
  21. No I was looking at your first picture,the last has the same ground pontils. winnie
  22. The first 2 look like ground pontils as seen on handmades.The third one looks like a short cut off the same as I see on my German slags. winnie
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