You are right Ron no hard proof where they come from the marbles I post,I only know one thing if no one from you recognize the marbles I post,than it's almost sure not American-made.
Here's another sparkler cat's eye type Asian Mexican or German.LOL
Yeah sorry, thats a misunderstanding,if you read my first post I said:I find a lot of Asian cat's here and some of them are colorful,like the first one I posted.
On the contrary it's hard to find them with so much colors.
Here's another Asian cat's with a bit less colors but still...
Now thats funny,i asked my husband and he played the way Galen said.
And I remember i played 1 good marble for 3-4 or sometimes when it was a very good marble (for example a hand-made) 5 marbles but they were all in the game.
First pic-are 3 so called German sparklers.
second pic-are 3 German cat's eyes,some folks think they're sparklers aswell but they're real cat's,they allways have 4 thick vanes.
The vanes have all shades of one color to white ( hope i explain this well LOL)
Third picture are 4 Asian cat's or Asian sparkler type.
This is only my idea about the cat's i have.
This perfume bottle is what is called Ruby glass.
I read somewhere that it's made somehow by adding gold to molten glass,simply said.
I wonder myself now do or did they use(d) gold for red glass marbles aswell?.
This one has some beige (or do you call it tan?) aswell,it was IDed as Champion.
Now that I see the Champs you posted Steph I'm wondering if it's indeed Champion with that beige color.
LOL you're absolute right,I don't understand all the words that you write.
I can do as if I understand,
something like the cloths of the emperor.
The words you write sounds pretty,
a bit rhytthm,i like it,although i don't understand.
This one I've got out of the USA,
it's 15/16.
Looks a bit like a Sunburst but I think it isn't.
LOL there are more Sun-sparkler type's than we know off.
Hi Ric,what size is your Alox sparkler type from post 16 (whats no.6?)
It reminds me a bit of the marbles I've got from my son,these are 1.1/8
Does someone has the Alox marbles in original packets?