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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Don has not posted here in over 7 years, which is a bummer. He has a lot to offer and I always appreciated his participation in the conversations. I don't do Facebook except to sneak on my wife's account occasionally to keep up with family. I have a feeling that many people who used to be regulars here have moved to those groups.
  2. To me, the base glass doesn't look right for Vitro - too many bubbles, and overall, it looks sort of like boiling water, with bubbles of a various sizes, which is a trait I usually associate with Akro. And in the upper left marble (third image) it looks like the patch is trying to dip into the matrix along a seam, a trait I also usually associate with Akro but have seen on some oddball Vitros too. Here's an Akro pic that sort of shows that trait. In addition, because of their sloppiness, I am thinking the OP marbles may be dug.
  3. Thanks for the pic and the correction, Al.
  4. You apparently already had a good eye for marbles!
  5. Thanks for adding those, Ron - some of my fondest memories, and If I remember right, those first pics of Bill were from around 2007. And for anyone who might be interested - no, I was not sleeping! I do remember how surprisingly comfortable I was laying in all that rubble though. lol
  6. FWIW, they give me an Akro vibe and a process of elimination leads me in the same direction. They're oddballs though so . . ? Seeing the patches might help but, with these, maybe not.
  7. Ric


    or Alley . . .
  8. I woke up thinking about brother Bill today and I thought it appropriate to add this photo from last April here. This is a look I have seen more times than I can remember, it's the one that says, "I found a marble in your keeper box and I really don't want to put it back". As you can see, there's already a hole in one of the cases. Bill was such a good friend that I found it almost impossible to say no to him. I mean really, who could resist that face? Fortunately, he was also a generous man and over our many years of friendship things always seemed to work out for both of us. 🙂
  9. Ric


    All JABO Classics IMO.
  10. Ric

    Slags for ID

    Size can be especially important for slag ID.
  11. Not enough to go on with the green one, at least for me. The other is a tough call, it does look more foreign to me but it's difficult to rule out a sloppy Master or even a dug Akro.
  12. I agree completely.
  13. Ric


    Likely Alley but too orange for a shortcake, at least for me.
  14. Ric


    Yup - crazy corkscrew.
  15. I love 'em too. That's a great assortment and nice display. You must have a lot of patience to organize them so neatly.
  16. That's a bunch of marbles. It looks like you have a lot of (fun) work ahead. Happy sorting!
  17. Aren't the Lilacs from Anacortes? And it might just be me, but it seems like they made a lot more marbles with brown on them there too - I think some of those are pretty nice. On the other hand, it also seems like they produced quite a few marbles with a "sheen" on them, which I don't usually care for. And it seems that many of the marbles look more JABOish too. I'd be interested to hear other's thoughts about how production from Anacortes might differ from earlier locations. These are a a couple of types I find pretty attractive . . .
  18. I have this type too - interesting how it looks like a clear tunnel through the marble, and it's not so uncommon in my experience.
  19. Ric


    I agree they could be Cairo. I just didn't think the likelihood of finding them in the Netherlands would be very good.
  20. Ric


    And you may well be right.
  21. That's what I suspected. And look at how different its color looks depending on the background. It's always important to make sure that your photo actually matches the marble or attempts at ID can really be stymied.
  22. Parrots have 4 colors. These are Yellow Jackets - the front left just has a bit of extra color. The right front one is the poorest example since someone might argue it's a Black Line All Red with a very diffuse black ribbon and there is no way to prove them wrong.
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