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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I'm thinking it's a modern orb - perhaps Chinese.
  2. I'm pretty sure (but not 100%) that Peltier made and used batch white in their early mibs.
  3. I think Alley on the first one, and maybe the second one too.
  4. Ric

    ID please

    I'm with William - nice mib too!
  5. Ric

    CAC ?

    I'm thinking Alley too.
  6. Ric

    Pee Wee

    Nice Ravenswood IMO.
  7. Dang, Joe, that's a nice one! It's giving me a Heaton vibe but . . .?
  8. That's a sweet Classic, Art! Pretty sure that one has a name - an excellent example from Reno, Ohio!
  9. Nice wee one, Chad - pretty sure I don't have any. Not too common, I think.
  10. I think Vitro may have marketed this as a TriLite.
  11. It's a beauty, Art. With that transparent red, I could see Ravenswood too.
  12. A little early and my very first post fom my phone, but brother Bill let me pick a dandy from his Alley case, and I really wanted to show it off. Here it is in its new home - probably not too hard to guess which one it is. You know I love ya' Bill!
  13. I wouldn't expect oxblood glass to look too much different regardless of whether it's on the surface or inside of base glass. The look of it can vary a bit in either case and once you have seen some good examples in hand, just like surface oxblood, you won't forget it.
  14. To me, the first two look like modern torch-work and the third doesn't strike me as vintage either. But cane-made marbles are not my strong suite so let's see what others say.
  15. Oxblood Surface oxblood is definitely most common but oxblood can be found completely submerged in base glass too.
  16. It's sure okay to disagree - I may well be wrong! Here is my thinking: 1) It just doesn't give me that much of a Pelt vibe. 2) It's undersized. 3) I think I see light blue in/near the gray stripe, especially in this pic: While I surely see what might be Peltier traits, I am just not feeling it. And while this pattern might be a bit unusual/busier than most of the red/light blue on white Ravenswoods I have seen, it looks like a real possibility to me.
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