@Alan All of these marbles came out of the same Indiana collection and I am pretty confident that the middle row, and likely some others, are by Joe St. Claire, although certainly not his best work (look at that bubble on LBJ and how off center that little weevil figure is).
On a more general topic, do you know of a good reference book for art glass marbles/makers?
I find the bird-like surface patch over the clear on this particular marble interesting.
Especially, in light of this post I made earlier in the ID section.
I think there is lots of contemporary millefiori out there and the marbles you are referencing are antique and far less common. My suggestion is to tread cautiously.
I must also say, much of my knowledge of Vitro marbles, and my affection for them, comes from Chuck B., without whom, I never would have been able to pull this one from a pile.
Well, I am glad that worked out as expected. A couple of years ago I had to convince brother Bill that this marble wasn't a Pelt or an Akro before he'd let go of it, and I sure didn't want to give it back!
I am with you! It's the only company where I have seen all of these colors.
As requested - one seam is a bit odd.
You were on it early, Joep, but I think this Vitro is from Vienna.
Hope you don't mind the edits, Chris, you've got to look close at this marble . . .
It's a seriously cool core, so fine, almost like a ghost latticino, there are more filaments than first catch the eye, for sure.