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Everything posted by Ric

  1. That is a very cool marble, Dani. I surely haven't seen another like it. And while I agree that it looks like it could be a Master, I personally couldn't rule out foreign as a possibility. Regardless, it's a real looker . . .
  2. That is a seriously nice marble. I don't think I've seen one quite like it. Thanks a lot for sharing.
  3. I think the easiest way is to write your description in HTML, store your photos somewhere on the internet, and link them into the description.
  4. I could see CAC on the first two, but I think that third one is a really nice marble.
  5. I'm sure these marbles are related. I don't think they're too common either. It's the base glass, striping colors and patch style that point to Akro for me . . . I think "the bird's the word" (unless it's Master). lol
  6. Hi Andrea, FWIW, I have this 1" with my Akros. I might be able to see Master. Some might even consider Alox. But I don't really see Vitro here.
  7. That puts the damage in perspective! LOL
  8. Very nice, Dan. This is fun! These had to slow production . . .
  9. Nice Vitros. Some people call the ones with pink & blue Pastels or Easter Eggs. The opalescent one is a Tiger Eye. It's kind of interesting how people in different regions sometimes refer to marbles differently. I used to call these Parakeets (5/8", 4-5 colors with AV). But I've kinda given up on that name. Now I just call 'em pretty Vitros. lol.
  10. I'd probably have that with my Heatons . . .
  11. Probably something like, "What a dandy shooter!"
  12. poor marble . . . those rotten kids! lol
  13. Wow, Brian. I really like that American Majolica - great marble! Thanks a lot for posting the pics and info. And that cobalt blue is pretty distinctive, but I'm thinking it's going to take me quite a while to really "get it". It seems that some of the Akron marbles don't show any, or as many, significant "eyes" like I'm used to seeing on Benningtons, and most of the Akrons I've seen don't seem to have as complete of color coverage as most of the Benningtons I've seen either. Could you please provide a brief statement of comparison with respect to those two features? Thanks Again.
  14. Nice, Winnie. You have some nice looking Jaspers in there. I also like the mostly white Benningtons with blue eye spots. And I'm not so sure that greenish thing I showed is a Bennington. I was sort of thinking maybe American Majolica but . . .?
  15. Don, Sorry I'm a little late to the party, but is this what you're referring to?
  16. Nice snag, Howard. I'm not too good with the hand made ones. What's that red/blue/white one around 7 o'clock?
  17. Nice collection Don. I like the crockery/stoneware marbles and I sure would like to learn more about them. Could anyone show some American Majolicas, or perhaps provide some thoughts on this? Is it just an odd greenish Bennington? Thanks.
  18. Hi Howie, I'm glad to see you here. I had a snow day a few weeks ago and all I did the whole day was hang around and play with marbles. I hope to meet you and your Dad in Kokomo next fall, and I have a feeling that if you show up, you are going to head back home with a pocket full of cool marbles.
  19. Your boredom is our gain. I like these a lot, especially the Jasper-ish looking ones. And like Derrick, I don't get to see them very often. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Thanks for showing those, Mike. They are cool. I have this in a format that should make a nice 8" X 10" print. The stamps will likely turn out bigger than actual size, and the resolution should be fine. PM me your email address if you're interested. It's a pretty big file.
  21. Winnie, I pulled these from a couple of hundred I found in a collection about a year ago. Most of them were beat beyond help. Among the ones that only had surface abrasions and hazing, and some minor dings, I thought these were interesting enough to have polished - even though they are standard size, many have nice cores and colors. They weren't collectible when I found them, and they aren't collectible now, but they sure look nice in a little glass vase in the window. As for the pontils that were saved on a few, the polisher apparently knew what they were doing, and I'm very please with the results.
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