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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. Kolieclify has sold a few like this and has gotten big money. Right now it's a new fad that I think will burst. The money spent now probably wont be recuperated when it comes time to sell. So, you better love it.
  2. Everything screams new. From the white lobes being wrong to the yellow bird feather effect.
  3. The first one looks like a contemp. Possible a Scott Patrick.
  4. Some people think that a variation can bring more money. Finding variations can also be whole 'nother part of collecting. They are known as odd balls. I know a few collectors besides myself that collect these types. It's those variations that make them so sweet. As to being more vibrant I think you will find that the early part of most companies had more vibrant colors than their later years.
  5. Thanks for the offer Ronnie but I got them for the sole purpose because they hadnt had the polishing done at the factory. I wanted the before part. Not the after.
  6. Thanks for the info Ronnie on the polishing. I suspected they wouldnt come apart. These type go thru a polishing process at time of manufacture. I have 2 peewees that didnt go thru this process. The colors are more dull, have some pops and the seam is way pronounced. There was a seller on ebay years ago that had a connection in the Czech republic that came upon a stash of these. Mostly loose, but some bags. He put the date as '40-'50s. I have seen the website that still sells them. Sorry, I dont have a link. Maybe Steph can find it. As a side note. This type can get very large. I have a set of 10 that are over 1".
  7. On this type of auction they are only auctioning off marbles during that time period. Even asking all these questions doesnt guarantee success. Whether its from Jabo or Sammy Hogue they could all turn out dark during your hour. Myself I like more of a sure thing.
  8. I believe the person that shares his paypal acct. is his son. These have always been known as Czech guineas. I hope more can be found on the where and when of these types. Little information is known. When you were polishing these was there any affect to them on how they were fused? Come apart. Fuse line get wider?
  9. Opal agates and the Milkies were 2 seperate types.
  10. No, only the one at 3:00 o'clock. Or so I was told after I bought and when I traded it away.
  11. I dont buy that 3 day period. He solicits months ahead. Why 3 days prior? He should be doing all that work as they come in. Not cram it like a school exam.
  12. Yes, about at least 100 too high. I think they were thinking it was this kind of Akro. I have only seen a few of this type in the pic.
  13. Since I paid by check I got 18% premium instead of 20% as oppossed if pay by CC. What was the premium for PP? 18% or 20%? My PP account is set that its direct from my account. No waiting. Now when I won a lot from Bob Block last Friday there was no premium at all. Thanks Bob!
  14. Dont feel bad Scott. They didnt like me either. I was a first timer as well. Wouldnt take my CC nor gave me the option of paypal. Just said had to send check. I guess it just depends on who answers the phone. Received mine last Wed. It's as advertised.
  15. I would normally agree. Except I have only seen this on the liberty ones. Ones that I have seen faded has some blue in patches. These have no top blue. There is however a hint of blue under a few scratches. I wonder 2 things. 1. Maybe was deliberate. 2. Maybe they did error and paint blue as an undercoat instead of an overcoat.
  16. Some years ago Galen had a Akro No. 200 Liberty tin that had a non blue top. At the time he thought it might have been an error that it didnt get the blue on the top. Morphy's sold it in their Oct 2012 auction. Last week though another liberty tin appeared on the bay where the top didnt have the blue. Was this how the liberty tins were sold? Or was this another anamoly? The first pic was the bay. The 2nd and 3rd pic was Morphy's.
  17. For a Lou Martin. Anybody got a an email or phone number please PM me. Thanks.
  18. 20% pay with credit card. Unless you're a first time buyer (like me) You have to pay by check. You pay by check then it's 18%.
  19. Most of the CAC's went 300-450 range. The were a few that went higher. Mainly the subs did. Still a long way off than when they first went on the market. Mine (orange peel) went for 125. I couldnt let that go.
  20. I got lot 1827 CAC orange peel. For the price I couldnt let it go for so little. I had same experience as Bob as to hitting bid and it did higher. After that one time I waited until after beginning rush. Wonder why they reopened the lot after it closed? There were other lots where I wasnt thinking and didnt bid.
  21. A lot of people cant believe that someone could put that many great marbles up on ebay at one time without thinking something that isnt right. It's sad. I know some people that are raising those questions are newbies. The ones that want you to stop auctions are low ballers.
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