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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. Another pic of a different angle would help to better ID. What size are they? Basing on if they are 5/8". The right one looks like akro limeade, middle a pelt zebra. If so and condition is mint $5-10 each.
  2. Alan offerred a lot of these type for at least the last 5-10 years.
  3. That was from just one 10,000 count box. Were there others? Very much likely. Jabo contract runs are usually 80,000-120,000. That is considered small compared to an akro or pelt run that could have lasted days. I said improbable but not impossible when say a run may be 1,000,000 or more. Since Steph is the resident math person maybe she can figure some of the odds.
  4. Why is it when some seller puts up a lot of FANTASTIC marbles people think they are fake? They are legit. The seller is well known on the west coast. Chuck, I know you know Steve. Steve doesnt sell much on ebay but when he does, it's always nice. Even when a seller puts in no returns they are covered with paypal if some thing is wrong.
  5. I was replying to the comment of it not being possible. Improbable? Yes. Impossible? No. The odds are against it, but with the amount of marbles made during that run the odds decrease as the amount goes up. So there can be exact matches.
  6. Yes, I do. But only a pair of 3/4" zebras. I missed out on a pair of cubscouts though. I have no others. To me that shows how rare machine mades are to fined exact matches. For William, I would not call all of the ones he shows exact. Some of them yes. for Roger's cat eye to me it's just a cat eye with same color combo.
  7. Yeah it's sneaky but I've known others that have done that trick.
  8. This was why I put a premium. because finding a machine made with same pattern and not just same color is HTF.
  9. The box is trashed. Bag is soiled. Not sure on condition of mibs. A nice mint goes around 1200. Should go for no more than 500, but I bet reserve is higher. Save up to get a better one. They come on ebay often enough. Galen is right about posting auctions that are current. Not much response. Unless its a fake.
  10. Arguements for purpposely made old patterns and color will begin.
  11. I would put only a premium if they were sold for inclusion in a box. They are not worth as much as handmades. Finding the same pattern on machine mades is actually pretty HTF IMO.
  12. I'm protest both the P.T. Barnum (Gremlin) and the suckers who actually believe they are rare chinas. For awhile the sellers couldnt give them away.
  13. Polished or not. You dont see any yellow because its not blue/yellow. Its blue/green. The green is below underneath the blue. The green may florensce as well. I had one just like this about 10 years ago.
  14. They are not considered marbles. More like tourist knicknack. They have a hole as they are painted from the inside. I have seen bottles painted the same way. I see these at craft fairs geared for Asians. Sometimes the sellers will have a light underneath when displaying them.
  15. I didnt jump in as I have wondered also if handmades are measured pontil to pontil or equator to equator? For measurement I use a caliper as well. Might I suggest a 3" model digital that measures in inches, and metric. The model is small enough to go anywhere as oppossed to the 6" model.
  16. Very nice marbles. No problem in no machine mades Jereon. I like looking at handmades as well. I love the green/yellow transitional. The size is very big. On the other end of the spectrum of size, I have a true peewee of that same type and same color. It's my favorite peewee.
  17. Galen and Craig must be going on sensory overload with all the CAC's.
  18. Cliff isnt trying to hide that its a contemp. He says its from cullet both in the title and the description. But the price is way too high for a cullett marble.
  19. Gary Stern is selling under rabbitransales on ebay. Almost all have been contemps.
  20. I knew it wasnt MFC due to no cutline. The seller only showed a side view of the pontil. I thought it was a BG at first as well but the pontil was wrong. My first thought if wasnt a BG then was either polished or was a wierd transitional. Too many alarms and not enough bells for me to bid.
  21. I have seen this too. I remember an auction where a well known high end CAC collector did a low ball. The seller put his lowball in ask seller section. When the auction was over it ended being below the low baller but the low baller didnt even put in not one single bid. I thought why didnt he bid? He would have won. Does the low baller then get mad at the seller? Maybe think if they dont accept I wont put in the bid I offered?
  22. I HATE when buyers do this. How is this any different than being at a show and some little old lady walks in not knowing anything really and the buyer cheats and not offer them fair value? The only thing to debate is what is fair value? Usual story is that the buyer will be "out of town" when the auction ends and can they end the auction. Most times it backfires for the seller as they could have gotten more if they let the auction run its course. It's different if the seller puts a buy it now/ best offer on the auction. Then that is between the seller and buyer to decide what is fair. I have also seen where the seller posts in the auction for all to see the person that is trying to buy the item. This one is the funniest one I have ever seen. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Solid-core-2-inch-marble-with-golden-lutz-and-multi-colored-bands-/130834666679?pt=Marbles&hash=item1e765a94b7&nma=true&si=jBK0p19FmfhLeSBG7BJ69mC7aDQ%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
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