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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. The 1/2" is very hard to adhere with some companies with out hitting that 1/64". Yes, I have a few akro corks as well a one milky oxblood, that are possibly not polished down. As well as CAC, Pelt, Alley, MK and handmade. I recently added a Pelt peewee wasp. VHTF. I have been collecting for 14 years. Peewees were my first love so its not very often I get to add to it. My hardest handmade is a faceted green transparent base with yellow swirls, "Leighton" style. Bob Block sold it to me about 10 years ago.
  2. For me as long as there are great pics, I will go by the pics and not so much the description. Dani is one where she takes great pics. You can see if there are any flaws. I still believe the size is the biggest factor and then the black base was the second factor. The market right now is wierd. Some prices are over. While others are under.
  3. Maybe the gold/silver on the benningtons and chinas as well. Edit. Didnt see Ann's.
  4. Yes, Mon I thought it was nice that I got paid while enjoying marbles was nice. I did the measurements because at the time I was bored. It was something to do. When I got a box I sorted by patterns. The best ones went first row etc. What made me measure was by that sometimes the row didnt fit right. So, I measured to see why. I didnt know what to expect. It surprised me that it was pretty much across the board. I did my 9/16" and 5/8" boxes first because I had just got a couple new ones and they were readily at hand. It wasnt until I got a No. 2 box that I discovered that +/- 1/64 was across the board. I raised the peewee question and shooter question because that's where size is suppossed to matter. As to value for some companies peewee are more rare than others. CAC is rare for any opaque or guinea. Their slags are very HTF. Akro is the same. Peltier unless it's a patch you better grab it. MK their peewees are easier to find. Any type of CAC, Akro, or Pelt unless a patch, I will grab anytime. A 33/64" will not bother me at all. The value for those companies except Marble King, IMO doesnt devalue the marble at 33/64". Now at 17/32" forget it. That is different and too big to qualify.
  5. It's mainly the size that drew that price. It's not a clear base. Any other color and opaque bases always bring more. That color combo is also on of the most popular.
  6. I would have kept it also. Please see my topic on tolerances why I would have kept it.
  7. They all measured up. Who am I talking about? All the companies of course! Did you ever wonder what it meant for the size on the boxes? Sizes going 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Who made the rule that a peewee must be a 1/2" and shooter 3/4"? What I found out is that both those sizes isnt true. A size 000 is suppossed to be peewee. A 1/2" right? No. 2 should be 3/4" and a shooter. Both of these are not correct. Not according to companies tolerances. Everything that any company makes no matter the product has a tolerance. A tolerance is a unit of measurement. You buy something at the store you are more likely to not going to get the exact advertised size on the package because of the tolerance the company has for that particular product. When my work started letting people work from home I got to enjoy my marbles a lot more. I would go through them more thoroughly. I also started measuring marbles in all the boxes I have. From all the companies. I was curious. Go ahead. Measure a few boxes and see what you will get. What you will get is +/- 1/64" tolerance for the size stated on the box. As a recent example of that peewee. When CAC made that and put it in a size 000 box it meant that those marbles in there were any where from 31/64-33/64" in size. The tolerance being 1/64" means that roughly 1/3 of them were 31/64", 1/3 were 1/2" and 1/3 were 33/64". Who made the rule that peewees must be exactly 1/2". CAC certainly didnt think so. And neither did any other company. Every box will have that tolerance. No matter what size it says on the box.. Who made the rule that shooters are 3/4"? At the nationals every year do they measure each marble in the ring is 5/8" and each shooter given out is exactly 3/4"? To be fair they should. The peewee rule should be changed to be up to 33/64" because that's what every company builds their tolerance around.
  8. Mk Black widow that I know is acually a patch type where there is a red patch at the pole and the rest is black.
  9. They all have a cutline. Although, it's not hard to put a cutline on a contemp guinea. There is still debate on how they were made.
  10. It's a reserve. Say someone put a 100 reserve. Starting at 10. First bidder bids but is below reserve. So it will only show his first bid at 10. Next bidder to come along a puts in the 100 but first bidder max was only 20 max. There will then be gap between 20 to the resve at 100. thats why you see gap because the first bidder didnt have that much to their max bid.
  11. Did you notice that it's the same bidder on every one?
  12. The leaflet has a pic of the factory. In the corner says circa 1896. Why would they put a pic thats over 30 years old when advertising current products?
  13. Hello and welcome. Hard to tell on the smaller ones. Your back ground made the colors wash out. I would still say timeline 1880-1920 for all three. I am basing this on the big handmade. It looks multi stage in construction. Price is hard to do because condition ie. chips, hits, fractures.
  14. Rainbo. There are a lot of opaque base rainbos. Although those are usually white base. Giveaway though is "baseball" pattern. The only reason others may say it's not is the green base.
  15. Nice box. I remember seeing it a couple years back. I dont think I ever got anything from Art. I did spend a lot of time in his room listening to him and Bill Bass talk.
  16. Very nice and creative. Duffy definetely knows a few things about working wood.
  17. Usually means he had a reserve on it.
  18. It's pelt. Not a nlr. Only has 4 ribons. Cross thru are actually a type of cateye. Similar to a MK. Cross thru not named by him nor is cherry bomb. I think Sami did the name cherry bomb.
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