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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. I have a couple silver ox that have a burnt "green" that follows the ox like this one. They came out of a popeye box> Maybe same color only on a limeade ox.
  2. Yup, coinsidence. Who else crashes parties. Wiseguys. I dont think they had name before but I hope it sticks.
  3. I see no cut either. Think may be contemp. Possibly a Scott Patrick.
  4. MK copperheads were subjuct to fractures in the brown/golden ribbon.
  5. When the winner bid the high was 65. By the under bidder. Four days prior. There was 1 hr and 4 min left. This allowed the under bidder to whack at him at 5 each whack. If he had waited and put in same bid by snipe it is very likely it would have gone much cheaper. Because underbidder would have probably thought nobody else was bidding.
  6. I thought MK also. The bidding is suspect. This is why I snipe. If that bidder had done this the second bidder wouldnt have had time to run the the price up.
  7. Marble Alan is sending out emails with attatchment. Do NOT open as it has a virus attatched to it.
  8. Very nice score. I got your text in Vegas I was happy that you got it. Because now I can visit it.
  9. It's gonna stay at home? No vacations? No visit to Sin City to try to lure other mibs back to Wash.?
  10. Prices are WAY off. Where did they get their information?
  11. I have that salmon on a multi swirl.
  12. Answers to: 1. Yes, esp. if semi HTF to rare. Ex. the multi. swirl you picture is semi common. Not too hard to find a mint one. 2. Yes, be patient. Very few machine and most handmades you can find in mint. Some stuff you will have to get a high NM ex. as they are almost non existent in mint. Even if you're on a shoe string budget try to not compromise as little as possible. You will thankful in the long run. It's much easier to sell mint than non mint.
  13. Your posts are all over the place in times posted. Mornings, afternoons, evenings, in middle of night. Are you home schooled? I also have reservations about grammer and words used. You do post some excellent info sometimes, but a lot is stuff no 12 yr old knows anything about or cares to know.
  14. IMO Machine are generally diluted as a group. Unless they have the exact same pattern=same run. Not just same colors. Very hard to them that way. Unnlike handmades. I would also wait to pay $3 for a mint example. Than $3 for 3 near mint. Unless you like quantity.
  15. Nice pics Edna, you're missing the booth between Dan Grumbling and Ron S. Who was there?
  16. Pastels can be for boys too. Sometimes simple is good.
  17. Yes, I agree. Very nice. i like the purple/white at 9, the xmas tree at 11, Liberty at 2, and of course the blue/white/black.
  18. Looks Alley, but for sure would have to be a in hander. It looks like the type I showed you last time I saw you.
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