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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. I wanna crash for the crab. Save the Pelts for me..
  2. So, you holding back mibs at Canton?
  3. If you were a digger, and you had limited time. Wouldnt you leave the broke ones? Also, CA wasnt in busines as long as Akro. A lot of these CA were stuff right from on top of ground with no digging.
  4. I have tried 2 pm's to you. Can you pm me or send email to clydetul62 at yahoo dot com? Thanks.
  5. I got there sooner but had no chance. He had the look see already sewn up before arriving. Congrats, they are nice.
  6. Great pics Edna. Knocks the socks off my monitor. Mark musta been hiding. I dont remember him either.
  7. I have one each of the subs, blue, green, amber, lavender, orange tranlucent. Mine may not have some extra colors that some examples have. My green just has yellow. Amber, also only yellow. Purple and blue has orange and white on both. I have seen exact samples in other coll. At canton somebody had same exact orange translucent that I have. I have other examples that I have that other people have. These arent one offs. These are low numbers compared to a regular run but I would estimate there are several hundreds to maybe several thousands of these.
  8. The red/white/blue are the type of opaques that came out in abundance in 2000. There were other syles, colors but still that type. That's why I said some have fractures and imbeded dirt. If Craig got his from a digger it stands to reason that someone had a good size stash. It goes back to Steph's question what is considered an exotic? Sorry, the horse tried to get up.
  9. You missed all my subs and translucents Greg. I only got the opaques from Les. The others I from other dealers. I'm not even sure all the big dealers really knows the true story either. Alan sure wasnt happy when he put up a Shamrock as one. He also put up a superball a a gutta percha.
  10. Pelt made some very bright sky blue and turquoise blue. Yours also looks like it has the yin/yang pattern. Any yin/yang whether it be a slag or nlr is htf and more desirable. Very nice slag.
  11. I never thought you were already a lawyer or attending Harvard at current time unless you are a child prodigy.. If you had quoted post 166 first, then 168 you would have understood that. No matter what college you graduate from it doesnt mean as much as it used too. Good luck in your future for you. I hope you make it true. Dont play the 12 yr old and Grams card too much. It can wear on people real fast. Like any hobby and most things in life learn the players in the game. Learn their positions. Learn what they do. What they collect. Do they specialize in any one company? Contact them if possible. If you dont have free long distance on your phone you better get it. Ask as many questions as can. People will help you if you dont bite them. If you dont know who they are dont make rude comments. If you can go to a show. Books will only get you about 25% of learning from this hobbly. Nothing against you or Gram's Jon just trying to help. Surprising Alan has only been to a few shows, but he has had 10'ks of marbles go through his hands. After over 10 yrs very little of true story is out. The diggers arent likely to say anything. For their benefit all the untrue stories only help them. At least one of the big players is dead. Anybody that tells you they fake? I say prove it! Anybody say they know who made them? No answer from them either. Some who this have also passed away. I havent seen any new ones come out in a good 5 or more yrs. Are the Art's holding some of the best of the best of the best back as rumored? Who knows?
  12. A lawyer from Harvard? Big deal. Who are you trying to impress? You have a lot to learn. Doesnt matter where you go. You just better be at top of your class in these times. We have in this hobbies all kinds of people, teachers, contractors, customer service, engineers, doctors etc, etc, I have met a lot of people in 12 yrs. We have one thing in common. Those little glass balls. At shows we put aside who we are and appreciate the hobby. Sorry to get off topic. The honey berned a little.
  13. Galen that post I did about the german machine and the naming was fot Jeff Hale. He wanted me to post it. Only part in that post that was mine was seeing the layered sand he is talking about. You also have seen it.
  14. Smart kid, but needs to respect people/elders that have been in this hobby WAY before you were born. Learn by talking to them. Go to shows. Books will get only about 25% of edjucation. Dont put them down unless you know why they made the comment. Ask people to get a life because of envy? Do you know who Craig is? If you dont know that person you should ask someone maybe before you cut them down. And in a prev post you talked about a seller screwing a 12 yr old and a granny. Very nice mibs for a 12 yr old milk money and a granny! Craig was correct about following the money. It still goes back to the Arts and Thelma. They aint gonna talk. So, even after 10+ yrs we wont get a true answer. I have about 25 so called exotics. When all this hit the fan and prices dropped, people saying fake, etc. I havent gotten one in about 7 yrs. Will I ever buy one again? Who knows? Will I sell them? Not likely. Do I belive they real? On the fence until have more evidence than heresay. Why do people who say they're fake and say they know who made them wont talk. There were death threats made to people during that time. There were 10's of k's $$$$ changing hands. What have I been concentrating on all this time? Ask around Jon. Mon? When you were talking to Cambridge, did you ask the about when they redid the concrete for the city garage? That's when it was suppossed to have been done. On your pic Mon I could see where some might be suspect and need in hand. Unless you show more sides. Some you just haveta to see in hand. Its great that you would sacrifice one to be tested. Does anybody know a lab that can do this? Secret things? Only selling to certain dealers? That goes on today. Many marbles never reach the public market. A big stash found? Need quick turn over? Dealers know who will buy right now. Thanks Steph for this thread. Thanks Mon for doing some digging info that other people might not do.
  15. Posted for Jeff Hale. Doubt? 'layered sand' which is now called 'exotic' However the fact is Danny Turner also created this name too, When he sold the marble called "Layered sand" around 1996, in his 'Running Rabit' auctions. Also the name 'Red Devil'. It's not so far fetched that Danny also added to the collector names 'Exotic' in 1999. Which were strirated Guines. Rather than blotches of color in the typicial Guinea, the colors stretched across the surface in thin lines. Like the Layered Sand, Red Devil, his 'exotics' sold for an outstandiong premium. As is typical, once a name is created, a super price is paid. Sellers quickly adopt the name to everything imaginable or simular. While the 'exotic' 'layered sand' examples were also so unique as nobdy except the one person who'd bought the first 'Layered sand' ["I have seen this layered sand in hand." my own comment, not Jeff's] in 1996, the one and only. It's not so far fetch for them to be called 'exotic' as were the whole group, from 1999 to date. Not to exclude the fact that,, within the caches of those sold, there were several examples that were no different than some of the striped opaques where were previously known examples,, and some one of a kind examples which except for those who watched the sales very close or were the first distributors of the groups. I own two such examples, Both are one of a kind, both are directly from 2 different sources who live in Cambridge, Who were the original onwers from the start of the public disemanation which began in 1999.<p class="conversationItem 41511056" id="41511056" msgtimestamp="1314120226" senderid="jeffhale1"> Also, in contrast to popular belief, I also own German striped marbles, imported directly from Germany, Which are so wild,, except for color,, there's absolutly no way to tell the difference between a super wild striped CAC or any other maker. One most important 'secret' as it were, Regarding color of CAC, Which distingushes it from contempory, or any other manufacture is the way CAC melted their color formula. The best examples, with 40x magifacation, show the grainy color mix, Frozen into the marble when cooled. It's as if CAC intentionally, did not 'cook' the formula to the degree where pure blue, yellow, orange, and more, could develop one single pure color. It's why CAC colors apear "electric" such as "Electric orange", the most commom blended color of CAC's.. It's not pure orange. Like Akro's and MF Christensen's, especaily the german ground pontal examples of Oxblood. the formula resolves with color separations, A grainy batch of color with multiple colors that achieve a special eye apeal.. Many of CAC's marbles the colors, are not completely blended to achieve one single color.. This was how, when I first saw the marbles which later became 'famo', the group of German striped opaques, Which I examined before Smitty bought them or saw them for that matter, Known as 'Circus' Which they were extremely unique, very exceptional, So much like a CAC. the major difference was, CAC's, frozon, unfinished color and germany's solid color.
  16. Greg you're trying to steal it. I would definetly go higher.
  17. I never heard that story about the mexican plates. Thelma was selling for her husband. He was suppossed to be a minor player at that dig that didnt get as many as the Art's.
  18. I believe popeyeman was refering to circus marbles. They were touyed as being cac. Then truth came out. Galen posted a pic of german machine. The biggest thing to look for in the german ones that the seam and design doesnt meet at the cutline like cac's do.
  19. Very cool box. That box I think is the coolest box along with the 1933 master world of progress fair.
  20. I am like the Speedster. Andrea? How are your questions about gbantiks related to any part of this thread about exotics? He has never sold anything except german handmades and some german machine mades. Your portion about Thelma was spot on. I used to own a Thelma marble. It was one of the last ones she sold. It looks similar to yours. I gave it to a good friend. When I gave it to him I couldnt remember the sellers name. Maybe he can take a pic of it. How about it Galen? Do you still have that clear based with yellow stripes?
  21. Definately not peewee at 9/16". I have a cobalt guinea at 33/64". It's technically not peewee either. For true peewee slags 1/2" or under I have only seen CAC.
  22. Size isnt an indicator on pelt slags. Anything over 3/4" is rare though. Only cac made peewee slags that I know of. When taking pics of most slags(unless there is something on the inside you want to showcase.) take a couple where the design on outside is easier to see.
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