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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. It is speculation that Berry Pink gave these personaly to kids. If you can narrow the time line he was doing this then you would have your answer.
  2. I bet that who ever had the box had no choice but to back fill. VHTF to find any that were not back filled. Remember a few sold a couple years ago with out marbles. Caig reconditioned I think 4 of them a couple years ago. Although I dont believe this is one of them Side note: last time I saw Mike Johnson he told me there were 3 of these abroad. One in Hong Kong in a museum, one in australia: not sure if that is in museum but it's not in private hands. one in Brazil in private hands.
  3. Bottom one is definetly Akro. Top I believe is Akro as well.
  4. It was same here on trying to get in. After a couple a couple auctions that way I called their customer service. Seems my IE didnt like them. They suggested I use Mozilla/firefox or chrome. Downloaded yahoo's firefox. It was real slow until I got rid of all the extra ad programs that came with it. After that it was fine.
  5. Yes. Peltier put them in the nlr category. Collectors did not. Collectors attatched the names, ie. xmas tree, dragon, liberty, rebel, bee etc. to them. I do though have a few examples where pelt made a rainbo type in the nlr classification.
  6. In the left pic the ribbons are stacked creating "one" ribbon. I cant say on mib on the right. Shades in all nlr can vary (tigers, wasp, choc cows, bees, dragons etc.) The ones that are most sought after are the ones closest to the correct definition.
  7. I agree with Chuck. Except the chevron part I think wasnt an anomoly as you see the chevron part in a lot multi swirls. It's more common with that that type. In slags though it isnt as common. The rams horn Chuck is referring to is a double yin yang. To qualify as a rams horn it has to have a yin yang on top and bottom pole. Most times you just see the yin yang on only the top pole.
  8. Would it have been better if Jeroen had just shown the pics? Instead of link to auction. I have a lot of respect for the seller. Who I consider a friend. But I think Jeroen is getting raked over the coals for the wrong reasons. Ithink people are more mad that he posted the link and not for the pic. Taking aside who the seller is I myself would like to see more examples of this kind of rework.
  9. Steph, Mark Matthews makes a much cheaper one. Just like the middle one with mica. Wouldnt be old but it would be perfect.
  10. Any that are current buys and sit on my desk. Until a show or get together. Which means they get put away to their respective boxes. This always keeps a new change over at all times.
  11. I dont like those wavy lines on 112. They have some ID issues. In the big NLR box the line they call lemon/limes are john deeres. Guinea "canes" are HTF. Most guinea "scraps" are halves/pieces/drops.
  12. Prices seem to go in cycles. Winter doesnt start until Dec thru Feb/March. Robert you can call me anytime and ramble about prices. Bumblebee, please define complete NLR set.
  13. Turkey balls? EEEWWW That's a nice place for that shooter hybrid rainbow.
  14. Best one I have used is a digital caliper. Measures in inches both reg and . Ex 1/2" and .500. Also measures in millimeters. Get the 3" size. It's small enough to carry in pocket. Make sure it plastic as metal ones can scratch the marble. Here is one I am talking about. http://www.ebay.com/itm/CALIPER-CARBON-FIBER-DIGITAL-3-GENERAL-1433-FRACTIONAL-/200584590486?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb3c5f496
  15. You're correct Galen. You must have missed post #20.
  16. Love that ghoul Chuck. Winnie, the monkey face is a contemporary by Bill Murray. (Not the movie star).He did them back in 2000-2001. The one shown I have is a prototype. It's 2 sided. He called them his man in the moon.
  17. If can work. You'll need hook up the vcr in line first. Then hook the dvd to the vcr. So that the dvd is in fromt of the vcr. You'll have to coordinate both when to start and stop.
  18. I love the 4th one down. Love the yin yang on it.
  19. Nice dreams. I would be dreaming red galaxies after gazing at those. For sure Chuck G. would name those something on the order of "Nova fire". OOPS! Now he will find something to fit that name.
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