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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. It might also be a very distant cousin to that sub I traded you. It could also be they were trying something new that didn't come out like they wanted. Hence, the reason for trash heap. Except for a few survivors. I brought a cac slag like yours to canton to show you. Only my slag is amber with the opaque yellow. Maybe they were precursors for the subs. The plot is getting electric.
  2. I believe to qualify to be a JC all the lines of color must go from top pole to bottom pole without stopping. Onionskins the lines of color can begin at top or bottom pole and do not have to go all the way without stopping.
  3. My theory is that all they are doing is switching one color to do the next run. So what you are seeing is the begin or end of a run causing this type of lovely mistake. As example for a pelt k&m you have white base with red/yellow ribbons. All they needed doing was to switch the yellow with either green (xmas tree) or blue (liberty). This saves them time and money. they can do slags same way. That is the result you are seeing.
  4. Nice box Hansel. It's great to see some of your marvelous collection.
  5. This nice: sorry pics are bad. they were the sellers pics. It's a purple sub. I had it over 14 years before someone finally offered up something to release it from my clutches. We both were very happy. The moss agate has been on my bucket list for a long time.
  6. Ron, yours looks like maybe second off cane. Here's a link to a past Morphy to show shape and variety. Note that they are single pontil. Some show the shape better than others. http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/catalog/31141/april-19th-and-20th-2013-premier-toy-and-marble--10-?cat=0&sort=1&hide=0&qs=0&view=0&aView=0&q=cloud&selCat=0
  7. Here is a moss agate that I got in canton. I traded a nice cac for it.
  8. Clowns can and usually have 2 pontils. If it has 1 pontil then it can be clown cloud or cloud clown if it forms the correct shape to define it as a cloud. Kidding or not Randy's comment on clouds becoming clowns by way of a name change to get more money is going to be confusing to newbies.
  9. Clowns and clouds are 2 different things. Clowns refer to the colors and pattern. Clouds are end/begin of cane with single pontil which makes it how it was made. You can have any number clowns in a canes but you can only have 2 clouds per cane making them rarer.
  10. Because item location is Mexico City, Mexico.
  11. It's fun to watch. No way they could load most of the stuff they buy in that van. I have been to pawn stars store in Vegas. Been there 3 times and only seen Chumlee working. If it not filming there is no line. At least 75% jewelry. The show has paid them well. Chumlee has been known to spend more than 10k for drinks at the club. He gave his GF new boobs for her Bday.
  12. No marbles in Maui. Nice pic Greg. Mia is growing fast.
  13. Now this is bacon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-9-16-ALLEY-BACON-STRIP-MARBLE-PENNSBORO-MINT-/141198553953?pt=Marbles&hash=item20e016f361
  14. That's fake bacon there. Must be of the turkey variety.
  15. I am thinking opaque game marbles.
  16. That could be Mike. I asked about the rarity of the two. I hadn't heard that story. Maybe someone in that area could chime in on it? I am not much into the comics but it was a treat to see the rarities. That was a recent thread and its why I asked him that question.
  17. I asked a very well known comic guy a few questions at Canton. The Hoover was correct and is Pelt. The 1933 isn't pelt. Most likely a Master for Worlds Fair since they had the House of Marbles.
  18. There is no ethics problem on a seller that puts a HIGH opening bid. Whether the seller is a newbie or veteran they can start it at what they want. They just wont sell it.
  19. Yes, it's believed that the lightning bolts are Chinese and not german. It doesn't take away from its rarity. It would not surprise if this very unusual marble is a messed up 'bolt.
  20. See me in Canton miser. You know me. I'll show you.
  21. That's OK. Galen doesn't get there until Thurs. That gives me a whole day head start to sell out on the ones I'm bringing. A few shooters, flames, pistachio swirl. Just not as many as Galen. If any body is a Pelt Nova collector I will be bringing a few champagnes. They may not look much but they are the hardest to get in the Nova family.
  22. Paul, you would have a very hard time getting Galen to release them from his clutches. I do live close by and he wont sell me any except the lesser ones and only if he has doubles. He brings them out for show tease and takes them to Canton.
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