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Akro gatherer

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Everything posted by Akro gatherer

  1. i have to agree about the whiner part. you all keep this at the top of the board because you wont leave it alone. i hope that no one is called horrible names or even threatened but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter. will they cause my family any discord---no. will i still wake up tomorrow---yes, i see no possible monitary issues 'cause of this. what if a marble i have called one thing really is named something else-----doesn't matter. so what is the big fat deal. so if i could care less about what is happening in the cyberspace-based world of grown-ups dealing with marbles IT WILL NOT AFFECT ME! Or any of you unless you let it. If what has happened is that some of our own were attacked then stay away from their board because apparently they are not worth any of our time. and quit dragging their trash into our yard.
  2. IF I was to say who cares about idiots with nothing more to do than to cause problems, would it be wrong. I don't understand this argument that just keeps going on. If people are being mean, distasteful, or rude let the Mods handle it. (BTW....i'm being good) They are marbles. Kids played with them, ate them and then pooped them out. If you are being threatened call the cops, if you take it serious. Man is this chain of posts real or am I dreaming. Once again....who cares. Let's just ignore those who are the problems. Or kill them with love. It seems they just attack those who seem defensless. All this and MJ too......Geesh! :Computers_comp18:
  3. I hate to say it but..............Because someone dies we must overlook their deviant ways and only say good about them. Sorry but not me. He did not deserve to die but he will answer for everything now.
  4. Sad when people die but he should have done more with his life when he was here. Farrah was great
  5. here is my address................................. :Party_fest30: . nice mibs
  6. Couple bucks, ten might be too much, for it all would be good. Problem is since there are so many people buying marbles the people selling them want way too much.
  7. Griff you are starting to irritate me. I go to my local flea-bag markets and they want $10.00 for a pint jar of pop bottle colored cat eyes. if they have akro I ask but this weekend was told that the 5/8 sparkler was 35.00. once i came to i gathered myself up and left. man whatever happened to a good deal.
  8. nope no truck here. have seen them on the bay.
  9. Yes Maam....they were. Including the oxblood!
  10. the oxblood ribbon looks akro to me too but found somewhere where they had the same glass, know-how and machines. the marble king 50th anniversary marble is marble king (i hope). the other 5 were found with the oxblood. there are two very telling marbles in that group.
  11. where you all find this stuff must be deep in the google pages.
  12. i went to a factory site. picked up 6 of these, the other one was bought the other day. so 1 is clearly not belonging. the other 6 were made by the same company (this may start an arguement). the company will lead you to know where i was.
  13. 6 of these marbles were found while wandering around with a blindfold on the other one is just to throw you off. One of the 6 that were found together seems to not belong with the others. who wants to play?
  14. Vitro and now apparently Jabo. Vitro are very rare from what I have been told. Jabos well you know the story. The large ones I would guarantee to be Mega/Vacor the others I dunno but unless you are very lucky to have a Vitro you probably have some Bandito Marbles there. I have a few big ones. I like the big'uns.
  15. 2 Things............................first it is a shame that people dont know you shouldn't eat marbles. secondly i hate to tell you but Duffy is probably following you around and picking these up. :Cartoon_177:
  16. looks exactly alike to me. but i do wear glasses and have been drinking. :Emoticon-jawdrop:
  17. popular american marbles marble collector's handbook
  18. How come............we are discussing this marble (and others before) and people are weighing in with their opinions but when someone questions the authenticity a couple of friends of the seller come in or even people who have bought from the seller pop in and defend them like they are being put on trial. this is what this forum is for. man they sold a marble maybe they thought was real but it isn't (due to the opinions of many knowledgeable people). no one said a bad word about them that i read. maybe its because you bought from them before and are hoping that your marble is an experimental marble and not a ground-down marble. i don't know i think some people just like to argue.
  19. I have some nice ones, the eyes they do not hurt. Took alot of work to get them because they came from the dirt.
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