These boxes come in different print styles. Soem less sharp than others. The "00" size is more common and there are a couple different print styles. The "0" box is less common. Don
I have somebody looking for a pair of inserts for an Akro # 150 tin. I've used up my backstock I purchased years ago from Les and Sue Jones . Anybody have any sets for sale? For #150 or 200.
Thanks Don
Ron is right. Not Anacortes but Gladding Vitro before it closed. Anacortes made a lot of horseshoes but not only Vitro plant to make them. I believe formed due to wear on color glass delivery openings on crucible pots they used plus possibly temperature differences that caused the glass to sag in marble. Discussions with Anacortes worker said they never intentionally made them .
I had lost my pictures of case of Champion Agates I made years ago. Finally found. Had bought a box of hundreds hat had the originla bags an soem bags loose and rotted. Made a case of marbles and shot with bags to verify. Still have a bag or two around here. Enoy Don