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Everything posted by duffy

  1. lol yup stace...illl be in the lobby after the show for a meet and greet!!....
  2. i knew elway was drafted by the major leagues....
  3. yep don thanks for postin ...that was a fun day...the producers sent me a disc and ive viewed it a few times...ive never seen it edited like that...super kewl!!!
  4. must be purty rare...never heard of it...
  5. no...its nice you got your doctor to hold that marble for you while you took that pic ,ant....
  6. you is right big john>>> thats exaclty what i told the vendor at the flea mkt.....
  7. shoot big john...i thought you was gonna post yer wet mint video.....
  8. these guys made the stadium checkers and from what i can gather its a hard to find game....
  9. thanks al...not that big of a deal...just thought they were different...back into the archives they go-----into the vitro bunch...if i had the room i would get into those cases in the garage but its much more than i can tackle right now....i dont know how this got underscored....
  10. no white dings...light reflections...there is a reason i say not jabo......ive prob got 50 cases of classics or so and the ones ive looked thru haint got these in em....maybe not parkersbugh or vienna vitro either...dont know...
  11. youre gonna have to look at em then...i dont think theyre jabo...im just sayin....
  12. this is sponsered by the west virginia marble collectors club....west virginia is right across the river...greg could you edit you title please...its still the west virginia club show....not the marietta show....for people thats never been to marietta...its a great historic town with an awesome museum .....
  13. hey brian...does this one have the akron blue???....its almost 7/8...
  14. http://www.mariettatimes.com/page/content.detail/id/541998/Made-in-Marietta--Marble-maker.html?nav=5002
  15. these came from one of my collectin buddies and he got these in a group that he bought....he was told that they came from south of paden city...they show no traits of beign dug marbles and no others that he had displayed the scratches and scuffs that come out of the digs....the glass on these are not completly opaque and not opalescent like some of the early to mid 50s st.marys m.k. have....since a patch and ribbon yellow rainbow is a rare beast im thinkin these were made at the other place...they are a smidge under 5/8...thats all i know gerald and how the person got these that my buddy got is unknown to me...there was probably 2 dozen or more...you might reasearch a train derailment between sistersville and paden city....i dont know the date but i think theres a page that has information on activity such as that and to the cargo that was lost...i know that early on in the 20s and 30s lotsa freight went by packet boats....
  16. these arnt dug...i have reason to believe theyre from the alley paden city location...that oxblood there...5/8 and awesome in hand...
  17. hes gonebad with his southern_marbles account again...i dont see how he stays out of jail.... http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=southern_marbles&ftab=AllFeedback
  18. ray laubs is my guess!!! i dont know why the text is so small???
  19. a bengal tiger is a hybrid......some purists might not call that a true bengal...the purple might be a disqualifer....but its a neat marble....ive seen one inch bengals go for 100 or better...not sure on that one....
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