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Everything posted by Greatmacscott

  1. I had a great time at the meet. Room hopping was enjoyable and found a couple of nice handmades to add to the collection. The Saturday show was well promoted by Gary and Judy in local newspapers as well as national antique publications. Between 150 and 200 people walked in to the show on Saturday, not counting the exhibitors and their families. Most left with at least one purchase. Mark your calendar for next year - The Iowa Marble show will be at the same location. Official show dates are Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 1. This is the weekend after Memorial Day in 2013. Friday night will be the banquet with the show itself on Saturday. I think the banquet is an underappreciated part of the show. The food is good, the price is reasonable and it includes some homey entertainment as well as a speaker on a marble related topic. You can't beat the fun!
  2. Sounds like Joanne is either trying to drum up new business or is drawing a line in the sand about product from the factory that never went out the front door. Wonder which, hmmmmm
  3. I aqgree Chuck. Everyone should go NUTS! Have a BALL!
  4. Greetings from Kansas City. If you get up this way, give me a shout. Scott www.kcmarbleclub.com
  5. Just a quick update on the Sunday Show - 47 tables set up for buying selling and trading marbles - over 300 walking in to the show based on the number of door prize slips filled out at the door - over 100 room nights booked by marble enthusiasts. The hotel ran out of sleeping rooms two weeks before the show. A good time held by all! Next years show will be Sunday, March 3, 2012 at the same location Holiday Inn Overland Park 8787 Reeder Road, Overland Park, KS 913.888.8440 Room reservations can be made after April 1st. Don't miss out an a beautiful spring event in KC! Scott
  6. Any truth to the story that fish hatcheries use marbles in the bottom of spawning pools to stimulate fish reproduction?
  7. Try this website: http://www.marbleshowcase.com/index.htm Tell Mike that Scott says hello.
  8. Great Idea Bob! I look forward to reading it and watch the debates, a.k.a. attacks, that will follow. ROFLMAO
  9. The Kansas City Marble Collectors Club Presents the 9th Annual Marble Club Show Date: Sunday March 4th, 2012 9:00 - 3:00 NEW Location: Holiday Inn (79.00 room rate), 8787 Reeder Road, Overland Park, KS Call 913-888-8440 for reservations (Mention KC Marble Club) Features of the Show! • Featuring antique, vintage, and contemporary marbles • Room trading Friday & Saturday • Games for Kids! • Marble Identification Table • FREE Marbles for every Child under 12 • Marble show on Sunday March 4th from 9:00 to 3:00 at the Holiday Inn's 5000 sq. ft. Grand Ballroom, 50 tables available, Tables $30. Contact Charles Williams (816-532-3299) for table reservations & info. Other Activities in Kansas City • Tour the KC Toy & Miniature Museums Marble Wing featuring the outstanding 50,000 marble collection of Larry Svacina & Cathy Runyan-Svacina. Marbles & marble related games, bags, box sets, and memorabilia. You have got to see this! • Marble Crazy at the Moon! - Friday & Saturday contemporary marble makers demonstrate marble making at the Moon Marble Co. ’Marble Crazy’ in Bonner Springs, KS. For questions or other Issues, Contact Scott McBride at [email protected] or 816.436.3929
  10. Great Marbles Ro! Everytime i click on one of the thumb nails I think I found my favorite, then I click on the next one and have a new favorite. Scott McBride
  11. Good explanation Alan. Swirlsrus, don't know where you are located but the first weekend in March is Bruce Breslow's Marble Crazy at the Moon at Moon Marble Company in Bonner Springs, KS. There will be about 20 contemporary glass artists show in their talents. On Sunday is the Kansas City Marble Club show for all types of marble collectors.
  12. Nice find Charles. Looks like a great reference. Scott
  13. I need to schedule a business trip to Indy in January. Is there a show in Indy in January?
  14. Bump to remind all KC Area Marble Collectors! see you Saturday morning at the Moon in Bonner Springs.
  15. I found some great marbles at the Badger Marble Show. starting in the upper right corner and going closckwise: - Sulphide Eagle with a small animal in it's claws - Sulphide that I think looks like a China Man. - Laticino Swirl - about 1.75 in diameter - The Lat alternate White and Orange - Laticino Swirl just over 2 inches - Looks end of cane. not all the outer ribbons reach the pontil - Solid Core Swirl right at 2 1/8 inches - core had red, yellow, blue, white, and green. Each set of out ribbons has 6 bands, three white and three orange. Too bad my picture taking isn't as good as the marbles. Great time in Madison and got cheese at the big Farmers Market too - A Successful Trip!
  16. These are probably for Disney Licensed set that were distributed in Europe around the 1980. Occasionally you can run across the marbles in the original package on ebay.
  17. It is good to walk the floor of the show at least twice. In Columbus Indiana this summer I circled the show when it opened, then went back to my room to pack. About an hour later, I went back to show and there was a new table occupied. Large german swirls with healthy prices. In the middle of the table was this 1.5 inch sulphide with a nice hen figure in it. the collectors liked German Swirls but didn;t really care for sulphides. I scoped it up for under $400. Wow! you say for a hen sitting on a nest? Scott, are you nuts? Guess I forgot to mention the nest was green, the hen's wings were blue, and the tail and beak were black. Worth staying for the show, twice .
  18. The Kansas City Area Marble Club will be holding our fall meeting on Saturday, October 29th at 10:00 in Bonner Springs, KS at the Moon Marble Company. Join us as we finalize plans for the Kansas City Marble Show on March 4, 2012, learn about Marble Crazy on March 2 and 3, and plan club activities for the next year. We may even look at a few marbles, swap a couple of stories (no guarantee of truth to any stories told), and watch a marble or two being made.
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