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Everything posted by glangley

  1. I have a mib that resembles that one, except it doesn't cork at all. It's more like a pole to pole thing and fairly neat. I am pretty sure it's the same colors but I will have to go take a pic and post it for all to see as my eyes are most often under the influence of pain meds. lol
  2. Very true Duffy, guess I'm just having a bad day. I sure don't mean to kick em now that he's gone. I guess my point was the same reporters that were bagging on him day in and day out while the accusations were started, then again when his trail went on a few years back, are now standing in line to tell the world how great he was. I am totally ignorant of what MJ did for others, so I can't speak to that affect, and really shouldn't have spoken to the other side of that argument either. I know drugs and alcohol seem to go hand in hand with Hollywood and music artist, but Farrah did turn it around. I guess MJ was trying to do the same and ran out of time. I pray they both find peace on the other side. Sorry to have posted something so brash, with five children of my own, my only defense is that I am so protective of them and despise anyone who would hurt a child, physically or emotionally. Again, sorry I flew off the handle half cocked and lacking in the tact department. Please forgive me for my former post.
  3. I had to edit this post, as it wasn't very tackful, frankly it was derogitory.
  4. Sometimes I wonder why people don't duel with pistols anymore. Maybe we could just use marbles in wristrockets?
  5. I totally understand Edna. I am just fussing about keystrokes really, lol. And he very well may have been mis quoted and used something like, "C8NT" or something along that line. I much prefer it that way instead of seeing that word. It's just plain nasty, maybe like the people he was responding too. I meant no disrespect to my brother Griff, he is a giant amoung men when it comes to honor, intergrity, and spirit. Griff is one of the good guys in my book, always was, always will be. God bless you all.
  6. Griff, well.... hmmm.... Using that "C" words is like nails on a chalk board. There are just so many other ways to articulate to someone, to get your point across that their being an ass. Most people that post all the hate and discontent are either just plain ignorant of the facts, or that the world doesn't revolve around their ego. Griff is niether. Griff is a good guy and most of us here know it, or should by now. Sure he might smell like bait after a long weekend fishing, but hey, he's a helluva guy and I feel blessed to know him. If he's fighting battles on some sleezy message board and giving them hell, well my hat's off to him. I neither care to, or would like to, do battle online with a mess of ignorant people. My life has enough complications as it is and any stress from things online is solved with one swift motion. I just unplug. God bless you Griff
  7. Hi Bob, and welcome to the Marble Connection! I am fairly new as well, and you will find, the more you learn, the more you learn you don't know. lol If that makes any sense. Just send me all your good mibs (marbles) and I'll teach you what I know! lol Just kidding, marbles are just wonderful pieces of art and like you, I just can't get enough of them. The very next thing you should do is pick up some books on marbles, Grist's big book of Marbles, Collecting Machine Made marbles, and any books by Steve Sturtz will teach you a ton about Jabo Vitro and the recent collector/investor runs that have been done recently. Keep in mind that the books are just a guide and have no where near the information you are going to want, but they give you the basics. A wise gentlemen told me that marble collecting can be summed up in a few short words. "If you like it, buy it." There are some mibs out there that are done right ugly but because of their rarity, they can fetch a fair price. I say fair, because prices have been falling as of late. No doubt they will pick up again someday but it really is a buyers market for mibs right now. With a few exceptions, but not many. Even the pricey box sets aren't fetching what they once did. The bubble has burst, and the market is reflecting a more down to earth price, but that's just my opinion. And we all know about opinions. lol I am excited to hear about your three headed monster! That is just awesome, but you will find that their are collectors out there that shy away from that sort of thing. Only because of some unscrupulous charators out there that will polish an old mib, and try to sell it as original, unpolished and mint. Most of the collectors that have been in this circle for awhile can tell the difference but new comers like me, simply don't have the knowledge to distinguish between the two and can, and are, taken advantage of by the shiasters. If you polish old mibs with the intention of selling them, just let the buyer know they have been tweaked and shined up like a new penny and you will not only make friends, but you may earn some respect from the guys and gals that have been doing this for awhile. Attend as many marble shows as you can possibly make it to, the people are great and to sit down and talk with them is just what the doctor ordered. You can learn alot from these shows and also you can buy alot! which is always fun. I have yet to get to a show but have gotten down to the Jabo factory for a run of mibs that was just wonderful. If you like Jabo mibs, and you can afford to get involved in a run, by all means, and I would recommend this to anyone out there, go for it! It's a world of fun, knowledge and marbles! What more could you ask for! Just one more thing before I go to bed. If you don't know, ask. You may not get the answer you were hoping for, or wanting but you'll get an answer. It will take you some time but you will find out who to turn to with questions and help. There are alot of good people out there collecting marbles, but unfortunately there is a handful of bad apples. You'll sort them out quickly, as I have, because you will know them by their fruits. If that makes any sense. lol Bob, I wish you well. If you have any questions I can help with, I am more than happy to answer or find the answer with you. Again, welcome to the club! God bless.
  8. Here is the other side of that plastic tub. Thanks again to all for helping me out here. Either reply or pm me whether this full tub would be worth more than fifty bones, especially if this is just full of modern, post 1980's. God Bless.
  9. I appreciate anyone that would take a look at this pic and give me a rough estimate on what the lot would be worth, for what you can see. I know the pic isn't the best but it's all they would send me. I really don't have the money to throw at these mibs anyway, but I really don't see anything that jumps out at me that would be worth what they are asking. I see one blue based mib with possible ox swirls on it, and a black and orange swirl. But besides that, nothing grabs me, but then again I am fairly new to collecting in the scheme of things. Take a look and you can either pm me or reply here and let me know your thoughts. God Bless Other side of container in next post below this one.
  10. Very cool, I will have to get ahold of this guy and find out if they actually made their marbles, or if they are repackaged Chinese imports. God Bless
  11. Sorry to post here too, but I am just excited and a tad impatient to know what's up with these mibs. They are just absolutely beautiful and to find a mib in the wild with oxblood just made my blood pressure spike! lol Please head over to the thread and let me pick your brains. Thank you so much, and God Bless! http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...showtopic=11501
  12. Very, Very interesting since they were made in Michigan, I think this will be my new thing to OCD over. Lol!! I bought a marble pouch at an antique place last weekend that came from the Cadillac Bank here in Michigan and I was stoked! It had two steely mibs in it, one 5/8ths and one +1inch. I take all my steely's and slap them up on my gun case where I have two rare earth magnets. The kids just love to play with the balls and magnets, so it's good. The odd thing is that even though both steely's I got from the pouch look chrome, only the small one will stick to the magnets. The large one is heavy enough, looks chrome but has very, very little attration to the magnets. Like it possibly has an iron core surrounded by something else, but it isn't lead as it's hard as nails. Just odd, so I keep it on a bottle cap and well away from my glass mibs. Please keep us posted on this company that was here in Michigan. And I will do what I can do dig up some information. Because I live here, generally in the center of the state, just a bit East, I would be willing to go to Chesaning and maybe find where the factory was, talk to some older folks and maybe stop by the library or the District Court house, US dept of Commerce? this is very interesting, and maybe a great place to stop by and take some pictures! God Bless!
  13. OMG, Sorry for the delay, my memory is just not what it used to be! lol God Bless!
  14. Very cool David, thanks for the information. It would be a very neat to have someone put together a book, or atleast a section in a book, that dealt with these types of marbles in detail or atleast a straight forward attempt. lol I tend to stay away from the other marble forums out there besides Jabo Land and Glass Addiction, but if someone puts this informatio together at LOM, maybe it will be posted here as well... atleast I hope they do. lol May this note finds you all well and in good spirits. God Bless!
  15. Steph, I just want to personally thank you for opening this thread. Your knowledge and ability to dig up information to support your efforts just blows me away, again, thank you. I think frit mibs could be the most under rated mibs out there. They are just so beautiful, of course there are some less appealing ones out there and that's ok too. I could venture a guess that even when Rome was built there was a pile of reject stone somewhere. lol I would also like to see a frit marble made, then hand worked to smooth it out and spread the colors out, now that would be something to behold! On the fishing side of things I was trying diligently to set up some old poles that my father passed on to me after his death. Since I don't have many sinkers, yet I have a full tub of lead slugs that were there to smelt down and pour into molds and make them. I don't know what ever happened to my dad's sinker mold, but I do have his laddle. Maybe I will find one someday at a garage sale and make my own. I am sure that Dad would just smile ear to ear if he could watch me in action. Unfortunately funds are at a bare minimum so watch for my ebay sales soon. My user id is tinamariegarylangley. I plan on putting up some of our Tribute to Friendship mibs in the near future along with anything else I might get a buck or two for selling. But my collection of mibs, and my favorites from the Tribute run will stay with me and my kids until I am gone and they decide to keep them or sell them off. My darn back has been acting up so bad lately that I have dove head first into my pile of mibs, which is probably why I have been posting on here so much lately. It keeps my mind busy and it's better than crawling into a bottle to drown the pains. I am setting up an appointment with another surgeon down here and hopefully he can hack me into better shape than I am now. With all this good weather we have been having and the warm sunshine I see poking through the windows, it's sure like being a prisoner of your own body. Keep your fingers crossed for me and God willing, something good will come of this endeavor. Enough of my ramblings of me and my bagage! lol What were the sizes and types of frit mibs that Vitro made? Did they make any bigger ones? What kind of bases did they use? Were there any other companies that made frit type mibs besides Vacor? Not that Vacor makes bad mibs, some of them are just gorgeous. Take the Michelangelo's for instance, wow what a mib there! I also have some peewee wirepull looking mibs from them that have such color and beauty, they are just cool. Thanks again to Steph, David and all who's input on this could be rolled into a book someday possibly titled, "All about Frit ". God Bless you all.
  16. lol David, I could read your posts all day long. And I am starting to understand the "naming of the Jabo mib" issue now. lol I was just curious as to what I had and thought I'd jump in here and ask. Thanks for taking the time to teach me something new. The mib that I thought could be a vitro frit mib was the last one I posted a pic of, which is 5/8ths and has yellow and white frit in various sizes on the surface, although not covered like most Vacors I have in my collection. However, the base is not crystal clear, it's kinda pale yellowish-green. Again, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions here and please don't get grumpy. You will always be a marble collector that I look up to and if I learn half of what you know, I'll do just fine. God Bless you David, always and forever. P.S. I perfer fresh nightcrawlers or minnows for bait.
  17. Well, like I said, I don't have calipers to measure and 5/8ths is pretty darn close to 9/16ths. But since David shot down all my mibs, I pulled out the little plastic dohicky with the umbered holes in it. All those darn marbles are 5/8ths, except one. lol And wouldn't you know it? It's 9/16ths. It's one of the clear based ones with different colored frit on it. I don't know if you can tell it apart from the others in the pics I posted but it's up there. Of course this doesn't mean anything, but it does make me grin a bit. I believe it's an older mib, well played with as some frit has left the orb in places. But what ever it is, it's will still be in my collection until they drop me in a hole someday or dust my favorite fishing hole with whats left of me. Thanks again and God Bless.
  18. Last pic, hope this helps. This one is also green but more pale green than the others. Probably Vacor if the vitros are so rare, I can't imagine a rookie like myself falling into something so good. If you know me, you'll also know that if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. God Bless and thanks for putting up with so many questions from a newbie. lol
  19. Ok, I just threw them on a back side of a coffee cup when I saw this post. I'll go take a pic on a white background. They are all 5/8ths, besides one on the bottom right of the first picture, I think. I don't have calipers to measure to a certainty but a fair guess is around 5/8ths. These came from a collection that I purchased a weekend or so ago while we were traveling near my wife's family. I was only going to buy a few out of the box but the whole box was for sale as a set, and the price was good. This is probably going to take two posts to get all the pics in, but here goes.
  20. Here is a few that I have and would like to know if I am hordeing Vacor frit mibs. I have some Vacor frit mibs no doubt, but these strike me as different. I also have two dark blue translucent bases with multiple color frit on them and they are just spectacular. Thanks for the info and God Bless!
  21. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...showtopic=11472
  22. Does anyone have a pic of a vitro example or know a link to one? Just to qwell my curiousity! God Bless!
  23. I have a few mibs, with frit on the outside of the glass, and was curious if any other company produced these kinds of mibs. Some that I have are chalked full of frit, while some have just a smidge. Some have clear amber bases, some are opaque. Some are tinsy tiny and some are nearly two and a half inches. Just curious really. Thanks! God Bless
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